% pubman genre = article @article{item_1555361, title = {{Lineage-specific expansions of retroviral insertions within the genomes of African great apes but not humans and orangutans}}, author = {Yohn, Chris T. and Jiang, Zhaoshi and McGrath, Sean D. and Hayden, Karen E. and Khaitovich, Philipp and Johnson, Matthew E. and Eichler, Marla Y. and McPerson, John D. and Zhao, Shaying and P{\"a}{\"a}bo, Svante and Eichler, Evan E.}, language = {eng}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pbio.0030110}, year = {2005}, date = {2005}, journal = {{PLoS Biology}}, volume = {3}, number = {4}, eid = {e110}, }