% pubman genre = article @article{item_3256989, title = {{The Westhallstattkreis as spaces of contact}}, author = {Stockhammer, Philipp W. and Athanassov, Bogdan}, language = {eng}, issn = {1413-7704}, doi = {10.1590/tem-1980-542x2018v240311}, publisher = {Universidade Federal Fluminense}, address = {Niter{\'o}i, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil}, year = {2018}, date = {2018}, abstract = {{The idea of the contact zone has already been of interest for archaeologists for a long time, but rarely had they been applied to the study of the so-called Westhallstattkreis. Both the {\textquoteleft}contact zone{\textquoteright} as well as the Westhallstattkreis have generally been understood as geographically definable spaces: the first one as a space where cultural encounter unfolded its transformative potential; the second one as a space where particular types of objects and features were found. Based on the understanding of spaces of encounter by Marie Louise Pratt and Richard White, the {\textquoteleft}contact zone{\textquoteright} will be redefined for the study of the Westhallstattkreis. We suggest dissolving the {\textquoteleft}contact zones{\textquoteright} from geographically defined spaces and seeing them {\textemdash} as well as the Westhallstattkreis {\textemdash} as performative spaces.}}, journal = {{Tempo}}, volume = {24}, number = {3}, pages = {621--633}, }