% pubman genre = article @article{item_3493851, title = {{Predicting skeletal stature using ancient DNA}}, author = {Cox, Samantha L. and Moots, Hannah M. and Stock, Jay T. and Shbat, Andrej and Bitarello, B{\'a}rbara D. and Nicklisch, Nicole and Alt, Kurt W. and Haak, Wolfgang and Rosenstock, Eva and Ruff, Christopher B. and Mathieson, Iain}, language = {eng}, issn = {2692-7691; 2692-7691}, doi = {10.1002/ajpa.24426}, year = {2022}, date = {2022}, journal = {{American Journal of Biological Anthropology}}, volume = {177}, number = {1}, pages = {162--174}, }