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Andrea Lukova


Department of Human Origins
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Deutscher Platz 6
04103 Leipzig

e-mail: andrea_lukova@[>>> Please remove the text! <<<]eva.mpg.de

Research interest
Curriculum vitae

Research interest

My primary research centers on the internal morphology of lower limb bones, utilizing micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) data from great apes, humans, and fossil hominins. This work aims to reconstruct the locomotor diversity within the human lineage. As part of my postdoctoral project at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Department of Human Origins, I am investigating the internal and external morphology, as well as the biomechanics, of the Homo naledi foot to further understand locomotor diversity in early hominins.

Trabecular bone structure
Lower limb biomechanics
Functional morphology
Evolution of bipedalism
Primate locomotion

Curriculum vitae

Career & Education

2024Postdoctoral researcher - Department of Human Origins, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Research key interest: Foot of Homo naledi
2024Postgraduate teaching assistant in Biological Anthropology – Department of Anthropology, University College London
2021 – 2024PhD in Anthropology - School of Anthropology and Conservation, University of Kent
Dissertation: Functional Morphology of the Hominin Knee: Implications for Locomotor Diversity in the Human Lineage
2018 – 2020MA in Anthropology of Past Populations - Department of Anthropology, University of West Bohemia
Dissertation: Trabecular Bone Tissue in Primates Wrist Bones
2015 – 2018BA in Social and Cultural Anthropology - Department of Anthropology, University of West Bohemia
Dissertation: Metamorphoses of the Wrist Bones from Apes to Anatomically Modern Humans: Comparative Study of the Carpal Area
Dissertation prize: Recipient of the Faculty Dean’s Award for Outstanding Bachelor’s Thesis

Internships & Courses

2019 – 2020Erasmus program in Anthropology - School of Anthropology and Conservation, University of Kent
Main interest: Human evolution and functional morphology of the internal bone structure
2019Erasmus program in English and Academic Skills - School of Anthropology and Conservation
2013 – 2014Course in Science - AZ SMART, Centre of Education


2018 – 2023Lapa do Picareiro (Portugal) – cave excavation – Middle-Upper Palaeolithic transition. Cooperation of University of Louisville (Jonathan Haws), University of North Carolina Wilmington (Michael Benedetti), University of Algarve (Nuno Bicho), and University of West Bohemia (Lukáš Friedl).

Skills & Software

3D imaging and segmentation:Avizo (advanced), 3D Slicer (advanced), MIA (advanced), Dragonfly (good)
Cross-sectional geometry:Morphomap – R package (good), BoneJ (good)
Trabecular analysis:Medtool (advanced)
Statistics:Past (advanced), SPSS Statistics (advanced), R & Rstudio (advanced)
Image processing:Adobe Photoshop (good), Adobe Illustrator (good), GIMP (advanced), Krita (advanced)


  • Czech (native)
  • English (advanced – C1)