Date: Friday 28th to Saturday 29th September 2012
Place: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig (Germany)
Organised by:
- Heriberto Avelino (MPI EVA)
- Ian Maddieson (UNM)
Local organizer:
- Claudia Schmidt (MPI EVA)
Call for Papers:
The department of Linguistics of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, invites submission of abstracts for a workshop titled "Tone: Theory and Practice" to be held at the Institute on September 28-29, 2012.
We invite submissions in the form of anonymous one page abstracts (single-spaced 12-point text, either A4 or US Letter size), with an optional additional page of references and figures, to be submitted via EasyChair by July 30, 2012.
This workshop has as its main goal to be a "state of the art" meeting of researchers to discuss and summarize contemporary thinking on tone from both empirical and theoretical perspectives. We invite contributions surveying general aspects of tone production, tone perception and tone system typology. The scope of the workshop will also cover relationships between tonal phenomena and other aspects of prosody, as well as genetic, neurological and physiological factors relevant to tone. In addition, discussion of areal patterns in tonal phonology, and descriptions of tone in individual languages or language families are encouraged.
The program will consist of both oral and poster presentations, and will run for two full days. Notification of acceptance will be sent by August 13, 2012.
We will seek to publish a selection of contributions to the workshop with a major linguistic publishing house.
Confirmed invited speakers are:
- Jack Gandour (Purdue University)
- Dan Dediu (MPI, Nijmegen)
- Carlos Gussenhoven (Radboud University)
- John Esling (University of Victoria)
- Ian Maddieson (University of New Mexico)