Date: August 14th, 2013
Convener: Heriberto Avelino
In the recent times the linguistic community has renewed its awareness and commitment to preserve and document the languages of the world based on first-hand gathered data. Fieldwork linguistics is now regarded as a fundamental part of the discipline by both descriptive and theoretical oriented scholars. A wealth of available phonological analyses and sophisticated phonetic data coming from previously undocumented languages is increasing at unprecedented rates. In general, linguistic typology has particularly benefited from the increase of empirical data generated by language documentation. However, the sinergy in which contemporary fieldwork in phonology/phonetics and linguistic typology can be engaged and inform to each other is still under development.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together scholars dealing with fieldwork in phonology/phonetics as well as typologists to exchange experiences and discuss about the ways in which both subfields could learn from each other, their compatibilities and how to take advantage of each other's recent theoretical, methodological and technological developments.
We invite abstracts for papers dealing with any aspect relevant to the cross-talk between fieldwork in phonology/phonetics and linguistic typology, including but not only, theories explaining the distribution of sound patterns, the use of actual phonetic signals to measure linguistic diversity, links between the diversity of sound patterns and cultural and gentic diversity, as well as broader methodological aspects, case studies and the use of technology and tools.
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Deutscher Platz 6
04103 Leipzig
Abstract submission guidelines:
Submit abstracts by email in PDF format, with the filename LastName.pdf (where YourLastName is your last name or a clear abbreviated version of it. No punctuation or spaces.)
Include the following information in the body of the email:
- Authors' names
- Abstract title
- Contact information: e-mail, phone, fax
Abstracts must be anonymous: do not put your name or other identifying information on the abstract. Also, please anonymize your pdf by removing identifying information.
Abstracts should be intended for 20-minutes talks (plus 10 minutes discussion time).
Maximum length: 500 words or 1 single-spaced page.
Submissions are limited to two abstracts per author, including at most one single-authored abstract.
Submission deadline: March 31, 2013
Notification of acceptance: May 1, 2013 |