Date: Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th June, 2014
Place: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig (Germany)
Brief Information:
Various disciplines that research the human past in South America have long betrayed a tendency to treat the continent’s two great subzones — the Andes and Amazonia — effectively as self-contained enough as to be taken largely independently of each other. Also in each discipline, however, voices are repeatedly raised to object to imagining too stark a division, given indications of significant connections and transitions between the two zones, rather than a sharp divide. This symposium will bring together archaeologists, linguists, geneticists, historians, ethnohistorians and anthropologists to explore what correlations or contrasts there may be in how the various disciplines see the Andes~Amazonia ‘relationship’. It adopts an innovative format explicitly conceived to foster awareness, discussion and co-operation across the divides between disciplines, already successfully applied in a series of such meetings and publications on the Andean past.
Organized by:
- Paul Heggarty (MPI EVA)
- David Beresford-Jones (University of Cambridge)
- Adrian Pearce (Colegio de Mexico)
Local organizer:
Other MPI-EVA Researchers in this Field:
- Leonardo Arias Alvis (Genetics)
- Katherine Bolaños (Linguistics)
- Alejandra Ortiz Rivarola (Human Evolution)
- Frank Seifart (Linguistics)
- André Strauss (Human Evolution)