% pubman genre = book-item @incollection{item_1552307, title = {{Integration and homology of "Chignon" and "Hemibun" morphology}}, author = {Gunz, Philipp and Harvati, Katerina}, language = {eng}, isbn = {9789400704916; 9400704917}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Dordrecht}, year = {2011}, date = {2011}, booktitle = {{Continuity and discontinuity in the peopling of Europe : one hundred fifty years of Neanderthal study ; proceedings of the international congress to commemorate "150 years of Neanderthal discoveries, 1856 - 2006" organized by Silvana Condemi, Wighart von Koenigswald, Thomas Litt and Friedemann Schrenk held at Bonn, 2006, Volume I}}, editor = {Condemi, Silvana and Weniger, Gerd-Christian}, pages = {193--202}, }