% pubman genre = talk-at-event @inproceedings{item_1555211, title = {{Enamel volume and thickness in Neandertal molars : A microtomographic investigation}}, author = {Olejniczak, Anthony J. and Smith, Tanya M. and Macchiarelli, Roberto and Mazurier, Arnaud and Bondioli, Luca and Rosas, L. and Fortea, Javier and Rasilla de la, M. and Garc{\'\i}a-Tabernero, Antonio and Skinner, Matthew M. and Feeney, Robin N. M. and Hublin, Jean-Jacques}, language = {eng}, url = {http://www.eva.mpg.de/evolution/dental{\textbraceleft}\textunderscore{\textbraceright}workshop/files/abstracts.htm}, year = {2006}, date = {2006}, address = {Leipzig}, note = {Dental Tissues Workshop: 2D and 3D Insights Into Human Evolution}, }