% pubman genre = article @article{item_1555776, title = {{The role of modelling and request type on symbolic comprehension of objects and gestures in young children}}, author = {Striano, Tricia and Rochat, P. and Legerstee, M.}, language = {eng}, issn = {0305-0009}, doi = {10.1017/S0305000902005524}, year = {2003}, date = {2003-02}, abstract = {{In a first study, we considered whether modelling and the type of an adult{\textquotesingle}s request influenced children{\textquotesingle}s ability at 1;8 and 2;2 to comprehend gestures and replica objects as symbols for familiar objects. In a second study, we evaluated whether modelling and type of request influenced children{\textquotesingle}s ability at 1;8 (N{\textequals}24) to understand unfamiliar (i.e. unconventional) objects as symbols. Results of Study 1 indicated that children at 2;2 comprehended a gesture as a symbol in the absence of any previous model demonstration. All children comprehended a replica as standing for another object, although modelling marginally improved children{\textquotesingle}s performance at 2;2 and decreased performance at 1;8. In general, the type of request did not influence children{\textquotesingle}s comprehension of gestures or replicas as symbols. Results of Study 2 showed that modelling and request type did not influence children{\textquotesingle}s understanding of objects that are unconventional and novel, as symbols. The studies converge to suggest that symbolic comprehension is a highly context-dependent ability that continues to develop over the second year.}}, journal = {{Journal of Child Language}}, volume = {30}, number = {1}, pages = {27--45}, }