% pubman genre = article @article{item_1555891, title = {{Book Review of {\textquotesingle}Tree of Origin: What Primate Behaviour Can Tell Us about Human Social Evolution{\textquotesingle} by F. B. De Waal (ed.)}}, author = {Fischer, Julia}, language = {eng}, isbn = {0-674-01004-3}, doi = {10.1046/j.1439-0310.2003.00903.x}, publisher = {Harvard Univ. Press}, address = {Cambridge, Mass.}, year = {2003}, date = {2003-10}, journal = {{Ethology}}, volume = {109}, number = {10}, pages = {861--862}, booktitle = {{Tree of Origin: What Primate Behaviour Can Tell Us about Human Social Evolution}}, editor = {De Waal, F.B.}, }