% pubman genre = book @book{item_1556019, title = {{Learning the meaning of change-of-state verbs : a case study of German child language}}, author = {Wittek, Angelika}, language = {eng}, isbn = {978-3-11-017304-8; 978-3-11-179680-2; 978-3-11-090798-8}, publisher = {Mouton de Druyter}, address = {Berlin}, year = {2002}, date = {2002}, abstract = {{Causative change-of-state verbs like {\textquotesingle}to open{\textquotesingle}, {\textquotesingle}to fill{\textquotesingle}, and {\textquotesingle}to wake{\textquotesingle} are central to both recent theories of grammatical development and theories of lexical structure. This book focuses on how German-speaking children learn the meaning of change-of-state verbs. It offers a thorough characterization of the acquisition of German, embedded in a crosslinguistic perspective. The author provides a comprehensive review of the acquisition literature on that topic and introduces a new account as to how the meaning of these verbs can be learned. The empirical backbone of the investigation are a set of carefully designed experimental studies.}}, pages = {viii, 233 p.}, series = {{Studies on Language Acquisition}}, volume = {17}, }