% pubman genre = article @article{item_1569788, title = {{Late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental change in the Australian drylands}}, author = {Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E. and Cohen, Timothy J. and Hesse, Paul P. and Jansen, John and Nanson, Gerald C. and May, Jan-Hendrik and Barrows, Timothy T. and Haberlah, David and Hilgers, Alexandra and Kelly, Tegan and Larsen, Joshua and Lomax, Johanna and Treble, Pauline}, language = {eng}, issn = {0277-3791}, doi = {10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.09.007}, publisher = {Pergamon}, address = {Oxford}, year = {2013}, date = {2013-08-15}, journal = {{Quaternary Science Reviews}}, volume = {74}, pages = {78--96}, }