% pubman genre = article @article{item_1593326, title = {{L{\textquoteright}Aurignacien en Basse Autriche : r{\'e}sultats pr{\'e}liminaires de l{\textquoteright}analyse technologique de la couche culturelle 3 de Willendorf II et ses implications pour la chronologie du Pal{\'e}olithique sup{\'e}rieur ancien en Europe centrale {\textequals} The Aurignacian in Eastern Austria: Preliminary results of an analysis of the lithic technology of archaeological horizon 3 at Willendorf II, and its implications for the chronology of the Early Upper Palaeolithic in Central Europe}}, author = {Nigst, Philip R. and Haesaerts, Paul}, language = {fra}, doi = {10.1016/j.anthro.2011.10.004}, publisher = {Elsevier}, year = {2012}, date = {2012-08}, journal = {{Anthropologie, L{\textquotesingle}}}, volume = {116}, number = {4}, pages = {575--608}, }