% pubman genre = article @article{item_2190100, title = {{Homo naledi, a new species of the genus Homo from the Dinaledi Chamber, South Africa}}, author = {Berger, Lee R and Hawks, John and de Ruiter, Darryl J and Churchill, Steven E and Schmid, Peter and Delezene, Lucas K and Kivell, Tracy L. and Garvin, Heather M and Williams, Scott A and DeSilva, Jeremy M and Skinner, Matthew M. and Musiba, Charles M and Cameron, Noel and Holliday, Trenton W and Harcourt-Smith, William and Ackermann, Rebecca R and Bastir, Markus and Bogin, Barry and Bolter, Debra and Brophy, Juliet and Cofran, Zachary D and Congdon, Kimberly A and Deane, Andrew S and Dembo, Mana and Drapeau, Michelle and Elliott, Marina C and Feuerriegel, Elen M and Garcia-Martinez, Daniel and Green, David J and Gurtov, Alia and Irish, Joel D and Kruger, Ashley and Laird, Myra F and Marchi, Damiano and Meyer, Marc R and Nalla, Shahed and Negash, Enquye W and Orr, Caley M and Radovcic, Davorka and Schroeder, Lauren and Scott, Jill E and Throckmorton, Zachary and Tocheri, Matthew W and VanSickle, Caroline and Walker, Christopher S and Wei, Pianpian and Zipfel, Bernhard}, language = {eng}, doi = {10.7554/eLife.09560}, publisher = {eLife Sciences Publications}, address = {Cambridge}, year = {2015}, journal = {{eLife}}, eid = {e09560}, }