% pubman genre = book-item @incollection{item_2271088, title = {{Diversity of craniomandibular morphology in caviomorph rodents: An overview of macroevolutionary and functional patterns}}, author = {{\'A}lvarez, A. and Vieytes, E. C. and Becerra, F. and Olivares, A. I. and Echeverr{\'\i}a, A. I. and Verzi, D. H. and Versallo, A. I.}, language = {eng}, isbn = {978-987-98497-3-6}, publisher = {SAREM}, address = {Mendoza}, year = {2015}, date = {2015-09}, booktitle = {{The biology of caviomorph rodents: Diversity and evolution}}, editor = {Vassallo, A. I. and Antenucci, C. D.}, pages = {199--228}, series = {{SAREM Series A : Mammalogical Research}}, volume = {1}, }