% pubman genre = meeting-abstract @inproceedings{item_2404311, title = {{Trabecular bone structure of the fossil hominin first metacarpals}}, author = {Kivell, Tracy L. and Skinner, Matthew M. and Lazenby, Richard and Hublin, Jean-Jacques}, language = {eng}, url = {http://eshe.eu/static/eshe/files/ESHE{\textbraceleft}\textunderscore{\textbraceright}Abstracts{\textbraceleft}\textunderscore{\textbraceright}2011.pdf}, year = {2011}, date = {2011}, booktitle = {{Abstracts of the 1st Annual Meeting of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution}}, address = {Leipzig}, note = {1st Annual Meeting of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution}, }