% pubman genre = meeting-abstract @inproceedings{item_2404393, title = {{Stem hominine or hominid? The phylogeny and functional anatomy of Pierolapithecus catalaunicus}}, author = {Begun, D. R. and Ward, C. V. and Deane, A. C. and Kivell, Tracy L. and Nargolwalla, M. C. and Taylor, N.}, language = {eng}, issn = {0002-9483}, doi = {10.1002/ajpa.20419}, publisher = {Wiley-Liss, Inc.}, year = {2006}, date = {2006-02-06}, journal = {{American Journal of Physical Anthropology}}, volume = {129}, pages = {63--63}, address = {Anchorage, Alaska}, note = {The 75th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists}, }