% pubman genre = poster @inproceedings{item_2406824, title = {{La mandibule de l{\textquoteright}adulte Qafzeh 25 (Pal{\'e}olithique moyen, Basse Galil{\'e}e) et sa reconstruction virtuelle 3D. Implications anthropologiques}}, author = {Schuh, Alexandra and Dutailly, B. and Coqueugniot, H. and Santos, F. and Coutinho Nogueira, D. and Arensburg, B. and Vandermeersch, B. and Tillier, A.-M}, language = {fra}, year = {2016}, date = {2016}, address = {Lyon}, note = {1841e journ{\'e}es de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} d{\textquoteright}Anthropologie de Paris}, }