% pubman genre = meeting-abstract @inproceedings{item_2490780, title = {{It{\textquotesingle}s all in the wrist: New Neandertal carpal bones from El Sidr{\'o}n (Asturias, Spain)}}, author = {Kivell, Tracy L. and Estalrrich, Almudena and Huguet, Rosa and Garcia-Tabernero, Antonio and Rios, Luis and de la Rasilla, Marco and Rosas, Antonio}, language = {eng}, issn = {0002-9483}, doi = {10.1002/ajpa.23210}, publisher = {Wiley-Liss, Inc.}, year = {2017}, date = {2017-03}, journal = {{American Journal of Physical Anthropology}}, volume = {162}, pages = {246--246}, address = {New Orleans}, note = {The 86th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists}, }