% pubman genre = meeting-abstract @inproceedings{item_2503431, title = {{Ancient dna analysis of middle pleistocene faunal remains from Qesem Cave, Israel}}, author = {Slon, Viviane and Barkai, Ran and Gopher, Avi and Glocke, Isabelle and Hershkovitz, Israel and Meyer, Matthias and P{\"a}{\"a}bo, Svante}, language = {eng}, url = {http://www.uispp.org/sites/uispp.org/files/downloads/abstracts{\textbraceleft}\textunderscore{\textbraceright}book{\textbraceleft}\textunderscore{\textbraceright}burgos.pdf}, year = {2014}, date = {2014}, booktitle = {{XVII World UISPP Congress 2014: Abstracts}}, pages = {782--783}, address = {Burgos, Spain}, note = {XVII World UISPP Congress}, }