% pubman genre = article @article{item_2555384, title = {{Elucidation of cross-species proteomic effects in human and hominin bone proteome identification through a bioinformatics experiment}}, author = {Welker, F.}, language = {eng}, isbn = {1471-2148}, doi = {10.1186/s12862-018-1141-1}, year = {2018}, abstract = {{The study of ancient protein sequences is increasingly focused on the analysis of older samples, including those of ancient hominins. The analysis of such ancient proteomes thereby potentially suffers from {\textquotedblleft}cross-species proteomic effects{\textquotedblright}: the loss of peptide and protein identifications at increased evolutionary distances due to a larger number of protein sequence differences between the database sequence and the analyzed organism. Error-tolerant proteomic search algorithms should theoretically overcome this problem at both the peptide and protein level; however, this has not been demonstrated. If error-tolerant searches do not overcome the cross-species proteomic issue then there might be inherent biases in the identified proteomes. Here, a bioinformatics experiment is performed to test this using a set of modern human bone proteomes and three independent searches against sequence databases at increasing evolutionary distances: the human (0 Ma), chimpanzee (6-8 Ma) and orangutan (16-17 Ma) reference proteomes, respectively.}}, journal = {{BMC Evolutionary Biology}}, volume = {18}, eid = {23}, }