% pubman genre = meeting-abstract @inproceedings{item_2620122, title = {{Chimp{\&}See: An online citizen science platform for large-scale, remote video camera trap annotation of chimpanzee behaviour, demography and individual identification}}, author = {Pereira, Joana and Stephens, Colleen R. and McCarthy, Maureeen and Dieguez, Paula and Kalan, Ammie K. and Maldonado, Nuria and Boesch, Christophe and K{\"u}hl, Hjalmar S. and Arandjelovic, Mimi}, language = {eng}, issn = {0015-5713}, doi = {10.1159/000488668}, publisher = {S. Karger}, year = {2018}, date = {2018-06}, journal = {{Folia Primatologica}}, volume = {89}, pages = {208}, address = {Burgos, Spain}, note = {6th Iberian Primatological Congress}, }