% pubman genre = article @article{item_3183384, title = {{Pope Leo XII{\textquoteright}s death: the twist to a longstanding dispute by novel historical documents and paleopathographic analysis}}, author = {Fiumi Sermattei, Ilaria and Traversari, Mirko and Serventi, Patrizia and Cilli, Elisabetta and Gruppioni, Giorgio and Tomassini, Luigi and Benazzi, Stefano and Galassi, Francesco M.}, language = {eng}, doi = {10.1127/homo/2019/1138}, publisher = {Schweitzerbart Science Publishers}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-10}, abstract = {{autopsy reports; Vatican Secret Archives; paleopathographic analysis; bacterial superinfection}}, journal = {{Homo}}, volume = {70}, number = {3}, }