% pubman genre = article @article{item_3236171, title = {{Fast offline data reduction of laser ablation MC-ICP-MS Sr isotope measurements via an interactive Excel-based spreadsheet {\textquoteleft}SrDR{\textquoteright}}}, author = {Lugli, Federico and Weber, Michael and Giovanardi, Tommaso and Arrighi, Simona and Bortolini, Eugenio and Figus, Carla and Marciani, Giulia and Oxilia, Gregorio and Romandini, Matteo and Silvestrini, Sara and Jochum, Klaus Peter and Benazzi, Stefano and Cipriani, Anna}, language = {eng}, issn = {0267-9477}, doi = {10.1039/C9JA00424F}, publisher = {Royal Society of Chemistry}, address = {London}, year = {2020}, date = {2020-05}, abstract = {{Strontium isotopes are applied to a wide range of scientific fields and to different types of materials,{\textbraceright} providing valuable information foremost about provenance and age{\textbraceleft},{\textbraceright} but also on diagenetic processes and mixing relationships between different Sr reservoirs. The development of in situ analytical techniques{\textbraceleft},{\textbraceright} such as laser ablation ICP-MS{\textbraceleft},{\textbraceright} has improved our understanding of Sr isotope variability in several fields of application{\textbraceleft},{\textbraceright} because of the possibility to discriminate small-scale changes and their spatial distribution. However{\textbraceleft},{\textbraceright} large outputs of Sr isotope data are produced by laser ablation MC-ICP-MS systems{\textbraceleft},{\textbraceright} which necessitate multiple offline steps to correct and assess the data. This requires the availability of simple and user-friendly tools{\textbraceleft},{\textbraceright} easily manageable by non-specialists too. With this in mind{\textbraceleft},{\textbraceright} we developed SrDR{\textbraceleft},{\textbraceright} an Excel-based interactive data reduction spreadsheet ({\textquoteleft}SrDR{\textquoteright}{\textbraceleft},{\textbraceright} Sr-Data-Reduction) for the processing of Sr isotopes measured by LA-MC-ICP-MS. The SrDR spreadsheet is easily customizable (a) to meet user-specific analytical protocols{\textbraceleft},{\textbraceright} (b) for different instruments (i.e. Nu plasma vs. Neptune){\textbraceleft},{\textbraceright} and (c) for diverse target materials (e.g. rare earth element enriched or depleted samples). We also include several examples relevant to low and high temperature geochemistry fields {\textendash} a fossil tooth{\textbraceleft},{\textbraceright} a modern seashell{\textbraceleft}, a speleothem sample and plagioclase crystals {\textendash} to show how different sample materials are corrected for different interfering masses.}}, journal = {{Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry}}, volume = {35}, pages = {852--862}, }