% pubman genre = preprint @misc{item_3241739, title = {{Corrected analyses show that moralizing gods precede complex societies but serious data concerns remain : In reply to "Complex societies precede moralizing gods throughout world history"}}, author = {Beheim, Bret A. and Atkinson, Quentin and Bulbulia, Joseph and Gervais, Will and Gray, Russell and Henrich, Joseph and Lang, Martin and Monroe, M. and Muthukrishna, Michael and Norenzayan, Ara and Purzycki, Benjamin Grant and Shariff, Azim and Slingerland, Edward and Spicer, Rachel and Willard, Aiyana}, language = {eng}, doi = {10.31234/osf.io/jwa2n}, year = {2019}, journal = {{PsyArXiv}}, }