% pubman genre = article @article{item_3281402, title = {{Hunter-gatherers on the basin{\textquoteright}s edge: A preliminary look at Holocene human occupation of Nangara-Komba Shelter, Central African Republic}}, author = {Lupo, Karen D. and Schmitt, Dave N. and Ndanga, Jean-Paul and Nguerede, Lucien P. and Amaye, Guy T. and Smith, Alexandre Livingstone and Edwards, Nicolette M. and Power, Robert C. and Young, D. Craig and Npo, Frank}, language = {eng}, doi = {10.1080/0067270X.2020.1865636}, publisher = {Routledge}, year = {2021}, date = {2021}, journal = {{Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa}}, volume = {56}, number = {1}, pages = {4--33}, }