% pubman genre = article @article{item_3306874, title = {{Examining Neanderthal and carnivore occupations of Teixoneres Cave (Moia, Barcelona, Spain) using archaeostratigraphic and intra-site spatial analysis}}, author = {Zilio, Leandro and Hammond, Heidi and Karampaglidis, Theodoros and Sanchez-Romero, Laura and Blasco, Ruth and Rivals, Florent and Rufa, Anna and Picin, Andrea and Chacon, M. Gema and Demuro, Martina and Arnold, Lee J. and Rosell, Jordi}, language = {eng}, issn = {2045-2322}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-021-83741-9}, publisher = {Nature Publishing Group}, address = {London, UK}, year = {2021}, journal = {{Scientific Reports}}, volume = {11}, eid = {4339}, }