% pubman genre = conference-paper @inproceedings{item_3335846, title = {{Tagging modality in Oceanic languages of Melanesia}}, author = {Tjuka, Annika and Wei{\ss}mann, Lena and Prince, Kilu von}, language = {eng}, doi = {10.18653/v1/W19-4008}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2019}, abstract = {{Primary data from small, low-resource languages of Oceania have only recently become available through language documentation. In our study, we explore corpus data{\textless}br{\textgreater}of five Oceanic languages of Melanesia which{\textless}br{\textgreater}are known to be mood-prominent (in the sense{\textless}br{\textgreater}of Bhat, 1999). In order to find out more{\textless}br{\textgreater}about tense, aspect, modality, and polarity, we{\textless}br{\textgreater}tagged these categories in a subset of our corpora. For the category of modality, we developed a novel tag set (MelaTAMP, 2017),{\textless}br{\textgreater}which categorizes clauses into factual, possible, and counterfactual. Based on an analysis of the inter-annotator consistency, we argue that our tag set for the modal domain is{\textless}br{\textgreater}efficient for our subject languages and might{\textless}br{\textgreater}be useful for other languages and purposes.}}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 13th Linguistic Annotation Workshop}}, pages = {65--70}, address = {Florence, Italy}, note = {The 13th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (The LAW XIII)}, }