% pubman genre = article @article{item_3347305, title = {{Effects of {\textquotedblleft}we{\textquotedblright}-framing on young children{\textquoteright}s commitment, sharing, and helping}}, author = {Vasil, Jared and Tomasello, Michael}, language = {eng}, doi = {10.1016/j.jecp.2021.105278}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, year = {2022}, date = {2022}, abstract = {{By around 3 years of age, collaboration induces in young children a normative sense of {\textquotedblleft}we{\textquotedblright} that creates a sense of obligation (e.g., commitment, fairness) toward their collaborative partner. The current study investigated whether this normative sense of we could be induced purely verbally in 3- and 4-year-old children. Children joined a puppet at a table to draw. In one condition the puppet repeatedly framed things as {\textquotedblleft}we{\textquotedblright} are going to sit at the table, {\textquotedblleft}we{\textquotedblright} are going to draw, and so forth, whereas in the other condition the pronoun used was always {\textquotedblleft}you.{\textquotedblright} Dependent measures gauged children{\textquoteright}s commitment, resource distribution, and helping behavior toward their partner. Results showed that both 3- and 4-year-olds felt a greater sense of commitment to their partner after {\textquotedblleft}we{\textquotedblright}-framing than after {\textquotedblleft}you{\textquotedblright}-framing. The 4-year-olds evidenced this commitment by showing a greater reluctance to abandon their partner for a more fun game compared with the 3-year-olds. The 3-year-olds did not share this reluctance, but when they did abandon their partner they more often took leave following we-framing by {\textquotedblleft}announcing{\textquotedblright} their leaving. There were no effects of we-framing on children{\textquoteright}s sharing with their partner or helping behavior. These results suggest that verbal we-framing, as compared with you-framing, is an effective means of inducing in children a sense of shared agency and commitment with a partner.}}, journal = {{Journal of Experimental Child Psychology}}, volume = {214}, eid = {105278}, }