% pubman genre = article @article{item_3373645, title = {{Evidence for a developmental shift in the motivation underlying helping in early childhood}}, author = {Hepach, Robert and Engelmann, Jan M. and Herrmann, Esther and Gerdemann, Stella C. and Tomasello, Michael}, language = {eng}, issn = {1363-755X; 1467-7687}, doi = {10.1111/desc.13253}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-01}, abstract = {{We investigated children{\textquotesingle}s positive emotions as an indicator of their underlying prosocial motivation. In Study 1, 2-, and 5-year-old children (N {\textequals} 64) could either help an individual or watch as another person provided help. Following the helping event and using depth sensor imaging, we measured children{\textquotesingle}s positive emotions through changes in postural elevation. For 2-year-olds, helping the individual and watching another person help was equally rewarding; 5-year-olds showed greater postural elevation after actively helping. In Study 2, 5-year-olds{\textquoteright} (N {\textequals} 59) positive emotions following helping were greater when an audience was watching. Together, these results suggest that 2-year-old children have an intrinsic concern that individuals be helped whereas 5-year-old children have an additional, strategic motivation to improve their reputation by helping.}}, journal = {{Developmental Science}}, volume = {26}, number = {1}, eid = {e13253}, }