% pubman genre = article @article{item_3373681, title = {{Color me impressed: A partner{\textquotesingle}s target feature captures visual attention}}, author = {D{\"o}tsch, Dominik and Deffner, Dominik and Schub{\"o}, Anna}, language = {eng}, isbn = {0010-0277}, doi = {10.1016/j.cognition.2021.104989}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-03}, abstract = {{Abstract{\textless}br{\textgreater}Attending to a target is more difficult in the presence of a salient distractor. The present study investigated whether social value can modulate the extent to which distractors capture attention. Two participants sitting side-by-side performed a visual search task in cooperative and competitive conditions. Search displays contained either both targets, one target and a neutral stimulus or an ambiguous and a neutral stimulus. Results showed that agents took longer to respond to targets presented together with the partner{\textquotesingle}s target compared to a neutral stimulus of equal salience. Agents also produced more false alarms in response to stimuli whose color lay between their own and the partner{\textquotesingle}s target color compared to stimuli lying between the colors of their target and a neutral stimulus. These results suggest that stimuli with features relevant to a partner can capture attention more than neutral but equally salient stimuli, indicating that social value affects selective attention in a similar way as task goals and selection history.}}, journal = {{Cognition}}, volume = {220}, eid = {104989}, }