% pubman genre = article @article{item_3384245, title = {{Origin and mobility of Iron Age Gaulish groups in present-day France revealed through archaeogenomics}}, author = {Fischer, Claire-Elise and Pemonge, Marie-H{\'e}l{\`e}ne and Ducoussau, Isaure and Arzelier, Ana and Rivollat, Ma{\"\i}t{\'e} and Santos, Frederic and Barrand Emam, H{\'e}l{\`e}ne and Bertaud, Alexandre and Beylier, Alexandre and Ciesielski, Elsa and Dedet, Bernard and Desenne, Sophie and Duday, Henri and Chenal, Fanny and Gailledrat, Eric and Goepfert, S{\'e}bastien and Gorg{\'e}, Olivier and Gorgues, Alexis and Kuhnle, Gertrud and Lambach, Fran{\c{c}}ois and Lefort, Anthony and Mauduit, Amandine and Maziere, Florent and Oudry, Sophie and Paresys, C{\'e}cile and Pinard, Estelle and Plouin, Suzanne and Richard, Isabelle and Roth-Zehner, Muriel and Roure, R{\'e}jane and Thevenet, Corinne and Thomas, Yohann and Rottier, St{\'e}phane and Deguilloux, Marie-France and Pruvost, M{\'e}lanie}, language = {eng}, issn = {25890042}, doi = {10.1016/j.isci.2022.104094}, publisher = {Elsevier}, year = {2022}, abstract = {{Highlights{\textless}br{\textgreater}{\textbullet}49 low coverage genomes from 27 sites from France, dated to $\approx$1200{\textendash}80 years cal BCE{\textless}br{\textgreater}{\textless}br{\textgreater}{\textbullet}{\textless}br{\textgreater}No major migration or population turnover between Bronze and Iron Age in France{\textless}br{\textgreater}{\textless}br{\textgreater}{\textbullet}A gradual North/South genetic structuration of IA populations{\textless}br{\textgreater}{\textless}br{\textgreater}{\textbullet}{\textless}br{\textgreater}Evidence of individual mobility between regions and neighboring countries{\textless}br{\textgreater}{\textless}br{\textgreater}{\textless}br{\textgreater}Summary{\textless}br{\textgreater}The Iron Age period occupies an important place in French history because the Gauls are regularly presented as the direct ancestors of the extant French population. We documented here the genomic diversity of Iron Age communities originating from six French regions. The 49 acquired genomes permitted us to highlight an absence of discontinuity between Bronze Age and Iron Age groups in France, lending support to a cultural transition linked to progressive local economic changes rather than to a massive influx of allochthone groups. Genomic analyses revealed strong genetic homogeneity among the regional groups associated with distinct archaeological cultures. This genomic homogenization appears to be linked to individuals{\textquoteright} mobility between regions and gene flow with neighbouring groups from England and Spain. Thus, the results globally support a common genomic legacy for the Iron Age population of modern-day France that could be linked to recurrent gene flow between culturally differentiated communities.}}, journal = {{iScience}}, volume = {25}, number = {4}, eid = {104094}, }