% pubman genre = article @article{item_3385632, title = {{The only thing that can stop bad causal inference is good causal inference}}, author = {Rohrer, Julia M. and Schmukle, Stefan C. and McElreath, Richard}, language = {eng}, issn = {1469-1825}, isbn = {0140-525X}, doi = {10.1017/S0140525X21000789}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, address = {Cambridge}, year = {2022}, date = {2022}, abstract = {{In psychology, causal inference {\textendash} both the transport from lab estimates to the real world and estimation on the basis of observational data {\textendash} is often pursued in a casual manner. Underlying assumptions remain unarticulated; potential pitfalls are compiled in post-hoc lists of flaws. The field should move on to coherent frameworks of causal inference and generalizability that have been developed elsewhere.}}, journal = {{Behavioral and Brain Sciences}}, volume = {45}, eid = {e91}, }