% pubman genre = book-item @incollection{item_3495600, title = {{A glimpse into darkness : Population genetics of the European Middle Ages}}, author = {Gretzinger, Joscha and Schiffels, Stephan}, language = {eng}, isbn = {978-3-932030-99-4}, doi = {10.24355/dbbs.084-202301131005-0}, publisher = {Uwe Krebs}, address = {Wendeburg}, year = {2022}, date = {2022}, booktitle = {{New Narratives for the First Millennium AD? Alte und neue Perspektiven der arch{\"a}ologischen Forschung zum 1. Jahrtausend n. Chr.}}, note = {author: Ludowici, Babette; author: Pöppelmann, Heike}, pages = {283--297}, editor = {Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum}, volume = {11}, }