% pubman genre = article @article{item_3496905, title = {{Recherche des interactions entre forme et fonction de la main chez les humains actuels dans la perspective de mieux appr{\'e}cier l{\textquoteright}{\'e}volution de la dext{\'e}rit{\'e} humaine {\textequals} Research of the interactions in hand{\textquoteright}s form and function in modern humans for a better understanding of the evolution of the human dexterity}}, author = {Bardo, Ameline and Kivell, Tracy L. and Donati, Georgina and Ballieux, Haiko and Stamate, Cosmin and Edginton, Trudi and Forrester, Gillian S.}, language = {fra}, issn = {0037-8984; 1777-5469}, doi = {10.4000/bmsap.8244}, year = {2022}, date = {2022}, journal = {{Bulletins et m{\'e}moires de la soci{\'e}t{\'e} d{\textquotesingle}anthropologie de Paris}}, volume = {34}, number = {S}, }