% pubman genre = article @article{item_3524132, title = {{Insights into the genetic histories and lifeways of Machu Picchu{\textquoteright}s occupants}}, author = {Salazar, Lucy and Burger, Richard and Forst, Janine and Barquera, Rodrigo and Nesbitt, Jason and Calero, Jorge and Washburn, Eden and Verano, John and Zhu, Kimberly and Sop, Korey and Kassadjikova, Kalina and Ibarra Asencios, Bebel and Davidson, Roberta and Bradley, Brenda and Krause, Johannes and Fehren-Schmitz, Lars}, language = {eng}, issn = {2375-2548}, doi = {10.1126/sciadv.adg3377}, publisher = {American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)}, year = {2023}, abstract = {{Machu Picchu originally functioned as a palace within the estate of the Inca emperor Pachacuti between {\textasciitilde}1420 and 1532 CE. Before this study, little was known about the people who lived and died there, where they came from or how they were related to the inhabitants of the Inca capital of Cusco. We generated genome-wide data for 34 individuals buried at Machu Picchu who are believed to have been retainers or attendants assigned to serve the Inca royal family, as well as 34 individuals from Cusco for comparative purposes. When the ancient DNA results are contextualized using historical and archaeological data, we conclude that the retainer population at Machu Picchu was highly heterogeneous with individuals exhibiting genetic ancestries associated with groups from throughout the Inca Empire and Amazonia. The results suggest a diverse retainer community at Machu Picchu in which people of different genetic backgrounds lived, reproduced, and were interred together.}}, journal = {{Science Advances}}, volume = {9}, number = {30}, eid = {eadg3377}, }