% pubman genre = book-item @incollection{item_3553367, title = {{Multiple graves from Corded Ware sites in Eulau, Oechlitz, and Szczepanowice}}, author = {Haak, Wolfgang and Furmanek, Miros{\l}aw and Meller, Harald}, language = {eng}, isbn = {978-3-948618-66-7}, doi = {10.11588/propylaeum.1280.c18006; 10.11588/propylaeum.1280}, publisher = {Landesamt f{\"u}r Denkmalpflege und Arch{\"a}ologie Sachsen-Anhalt - Landesmuseum f{\"u}r Vorgeschichte}, address = {Halle (Saale)}, year = {2023}, date = {2023}, booktitle = {{Kinship, sex, and biological relatedness : the contribution of archaeogenetics to the understanding of social and biological relations : 15. Mitteldeutscher Arch{\"a}ologentag vom 6. bis 8. Oktober 2022 in Halle (Saale)}}, editor = {Meller, Harald and Krause, Johannes and Haak, Wolfgang and Risch, Roberto}, pages = {171--180}, series = {{Tagungen des Landesmuseums f{\"u}r Vorgeschichte Halle Tagungen des Landesmuseums f{\"u}r Vorgeschichte Halle (Saale)}}, volume = {28}, }