% pubman genre = article @article{item_3557982, title = {{Thought and language: Effects of group{-}mindedness on young children{\textquotesingle}s interpretation of exclusive we}}, author = {Vasil, Jared and Price, Dayna and Tomasello, Michael}, language = {eng}, issn = {0009-3920}, doi = {10.1111/cdev.14049}, publisher = {Blackwell Publishing Limited}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-05}, abstract = {{The current study investigated whether age-related changes in the conceptualization of social groups influences interpretation of the pronoun we. Sixty-four 2- and 4-year-olds (N {\textequals} 29 female, 50 White-identifying) viewed scenarios in which it was ambiguous how many puppets performed an activity together. When asked who performed the activity, a speaker puppet responded, {\textquotedblleft}We did!{\textquotedblright} In one condition, the speaker was near one and distant from another puppet, implying a dyadic interpretation of we. In another condition, the speaker was distant from both, thus pulling for a group interpretation. In the former condition, 2- and 4-year-olds favored the dyadic interpretation. In the latter condition, only 4-year-olds favored the group interpretation. Age-related conceptual development {\textquotedblleft}expands{\textquotedblright} the set of conceivable plural person referents. {\copyright} 2023 The Authors. Child Development {\copyright} 2023 Society for Research in Child Development.}}, journal = {{Child Development}}, volume = {95}, number = {3}, pages = {657--1040}, eid = {e155{\textendash}e163}, }