% pubman genre = conference-paper @inproceedings{item_3561026, title = {{Inf{\'e}rences sur les r{\'e}seaux r{\'e}gionaux {\`a} partir d{\textquoteright}arbres g{\'e}n{\'e}tiques locaux, l{\textquoteright}exemple du site n{\'e}olithique de Gurgy {\textquotesingle}les Noisats{\textquotesingle}}}, author = {Rivollat, Ma{\"\i}t{\'e} and Rohrlach, Adam Ben and Ringbauer, Harald and Childebayeva, Ainash and Mendisco, Fanny and Barquera, Rodrigo and Szolek, Andr{\'a}s and Colleran, Heidi and Le Roy, M{\'e}lie and Tuke, Jonathan and Aron, Franziska and Pemonge, Marie-H{\'e}l{\`e}ne and Sp{\"a}th, Ellen and T{\'e}louk, Philippe and Rey, L{\'e}onie and Goude, Gw{\'e}na{\"e}lle and Balter, Vincent and Krause, Johannes and Rottier, St{\'e}phane and Deguilloux, Marie-France and Haak, Wolfgang}, language = {fra}, issn = {0037-8984}, doi = {10.4000/bmsap.13471}, year = {2024}, date = {2024}, journal = {{Bulletins et m{\'e}moires de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} d{\textquoteright}Anthropologie de Paris BMSAP}}, volume = {36}, note = {Annual Meeting of the Soci{\'e}t{\'e} d{\textquotesingle}Anthropologie de Paris}, }