% pubman genre = article @article{item_3561085, title = {{V{\'\i}ce{\v{c}}etn{\'e} hroby {\'u}n{\v{e}}tick{\'e} kultury. Nov{\'e} objevy z Roudnice nad Labem (okr. Litom{\v{e}}{\v{r}}ice) a z Chleb (okr. Nymburk)}}, author = {{\v{S}}vejcar, Ond{\v{r}}ej and Kri{\v{s}}tuf, Petr and Trefn{\'y}, Martin and Kuljavceva Hlavov{\'a}, Jana and Pr{\r{u}}chov{\'a}, Erika and Papac, Luka and Ern{\'e}e, Michal}, language = {ces}, issn = {2570-9496; 0031-0506}, doi = {10.35686/PA2023.2}, publisher = {Archeologick{\'y} {\'u}stav AV {\v{C}}R}, year = {2023}, date = {2023}, abstract = {{P{\v{r}}edm{\v{e}}tem {\v{c}}l{\'a}nku je zpracov{\'a}n{\'\i} a genetick{\'a} anal{\'y}za dvou hromadn{\'y}ch hrob{\r{u}} {\'u}n{\v{e}}tick{\'e} kultury (z Roudnice nad Labem a z Chleb) a jejich mo{\v{z}}n{\'a} interpretace. Oba hroby lze za{\v{r}}adit do star{\v{s}}{\'\i}ho obdob{\'\i} {\'u}n{\v{e}}tick{\'e} kultury a z b{\v{e}}{\v{z}}n{\'e}ho r{\'a}mce jej{\'\i}ho poh{\v{r}}ebn{\'\i}ho ritu vybo{\v{c}}uj{\'\i} p{\v{r}}edev{\v{s}}{\'\i}m velk{\'y}m po{\v{c}}tem identifikovan{\'y}ch poh{\v{r}}ben{\'y}ch jedinc{\r{u}} (18 a 15{\textendash}18). Celkem 15 jedinc{\r{u}} z obou hrob{\r{u}} bylo podrobeno anal{\'y}ze DNA (u 14 {\'u}sp{\v{e}}{\v{s}}n{\'e}) a jej{\'\i} v{\'y}sledky byly konfrontov{\'a}ny s mo{\v{z}}nou interpretac{\'\i} tohoto typu hrob{\r{u}} jako rodinn{\'y}ch hrobek. Na z{\'a}klad{\v{e}} v{\'y}sledk{\r{u}} anal{\'y}zy DNA a identifikovan{\'y}ch p{\v{r}}{\'\i}buzensk{\'y}ch vazeb se v{\v{s}}ak uk{\'a}zalo, {\v{z}}e ani v jednom z p{\v{r}}{\'\i}pad{\r{u}} nen{\'a}le{\v{z}}eli poh{\v{r}}ben{\'\i} jedinci pouze k jedn{\'e} biologick{\'e} rodin{\v{e}}.}}, abstract = {{The subject of the article is the processing and genetic analysis of two mass graves of the {\'U}n{\v{e}}tice culture from Roudnice nad Labem and Chleby and their possible interpretation. Both graves date to the early period of the {\'U}n{\v{e}}tice culture and they deviate from the typical framework of this period{\textquoteright}s burial rite primarily in the large number of identified buried individuals (18 and 15{\textendash}18). A combined total of 15 individuals from both graves were subjected to DNA analysis (14 successfully) and the results were evaluated in the context of these graves possibly representing family tombs. However, based on the results of DNA analyses and identified biological kinship relationships, it was shown that in neither tomb did the buried individuals belong to a single biological family.}}, journal = {{Pam{\'a}tky archeologick{\'e}}}, volume = {114}, pages = {37--89}, }