  Max Planck Institute
for Evolutionary Anthropology
Department of Linguistics

The World Atlas of Language Structures - WALS


List of features and authors

1 Phonology
Consonant Inventories Ian Maddieson
Vowel Quality Inventories Ian Maddieson
Consonant-Vowel Ratio Ian Maddieson
Voicing in Plosives and Fricatives Ian Maddieson
Voicing and Gaps in Plosive Systems Ian Maddieson
Uvular Consonants Ian Maddieson
Glottalized Consonants Ian Maddieson
Lateral Consonants Ian Maddieson
The Velar Nasal Gregory Anderson
Vowel Nasalization John Hajek
Front Rounded Vowels Ian Maddieson
Syllable Structure Ian Maddieson
Tone Ian Maddieson
Fixed Stress Locations Rob Goedemans and Harry van der Hulst
Weight-Sensitive Stress Rob Goedemans and Harry van der Hulst
Weight Factors in Weight-Sensitive Stress Systems Rob Goedemans and Harry van der Hulst
Rhythm Types Rob Goedemans and Harry van der Hulst
Absence of Common Consonants Ian Maddieson
Presence of Uncommon Consonants Ian Maddieson
2 Morphology
Fusion of Selected Inflectional Formatives Balthasar Bickel and Johanna Nichols
Exponence of Selected Inflectional Formatives Balthasar Bickel and Johanna Nichols
Inflectional Synthesis of the Verb Balthasar Bickel and Johanna Nichols
Locus of Marking in the Clause Johanna Nichols and Balthasar Bickel
Locus of Marking in Possessive Noun Phrases Johanna Nichols and Balthasar Bickel
Locus of Marking: Whole-language Typology Johanna Nichols and Balthasar Bickel
Prefixing vs. Suffixing in Inflectional Morphology Matthew S. Dryer
Reduplication Carl Rubino
Case Syncretism Matthew Baerman and Dunstan Brown
Syncretism in Verbal Person/Number Marking Matthew Baerman and Dunstan Brown
3 Nominal Categories
Number of Genders Greville Corbett
Sex-based and Non-sex-based Gender Systems Greville Corbett
Systems of Gender Assignment Greville Corbett
Coding of Nominal Plurality Matthew S. Dryer
Occurrence of Nominal Plurality Martin Haspelmath
Plurality in Independent Personal Pronouns Michael Daniel
The Associative Plural Michael Daniel and Edith Moravcsik
Definite Articles Matthew S. Dryer
Indefinite Articles Matthew S. Dryer
Inclusive/Exclusive Distinction in Independent Pronouns Michael Cysouw
Inclusive/Exclusive Distinction in Verbal Inflection Michael Cysouw
Distance Contrasts in Demonstratives Holger Diessel
Pronominal and Adnominal Demonstratives Holger Diessel
Third Person Pronouns and Demonstratives D.N.S. Bhat
Gender Distinctions in Independent Personal Pronouns Anna Siewierska
Politeness Distinctions in Pronouns Johannes Helmbrecht
Indefinite Pronouns Martin Haspelmath
Intensifiers and Reflexive Pronouns Ekkehard König and Peter Siemund (with Stephan Töpper)
Person Marking on Adpositions Dik Bakker
Number of Cases Oliver Iggesen
Asymmetrical Case-Marking Oliver Iggesen
Position of Case Affixes Matthew S. Dryer
Comitatives and Instrumentals Thomas Stolz, Cornelia Stroh and Aina Urdze
Ordinal Numerals Thomas Stolz and Ljuba Veselinova
Distributive Numerals David Gil
Numeral Classifiers David Gil
Conjunctions and Universal Quantifiers David Gil
Position of Pronominal Possessive Affixes Matthew S. Dryer
4 Nominal Syntax
Obligatory Possessive Inflection Johanna Nichols and Balthasar Bickel
Possessive Classification Johanna Nichols and Balthasar Bickel
Genitives, Adjectives and Relative Clauses David Gil
Adjectives without Nouns David Gil
Action Nominal Constructions Maria Koptjevskaja-Tamm
Noun Phrase Conjunction Leon Stassen
Nominal and Verbal Conjunction Martin Haspelmath
5 Verbal Categories
Perfective/Imperfective Aspect Östen Dahl and Viveka Velupillai
The Past Tense Östen Dahl and Viveka Velupillai
The Future Tense Östen Dahl and Viveka Velupillai
The Perfect Östen Dahl and Viveka Velupillai
Position of Tense/Aspect Affixes Matthew S. Dryer
The Morphological Imperative Johan van der Auwera and Ludo Lejeune (with Pappuswamy Umarani and Valentin Goussev)
The Prohibitive Johan van der Auwera and Ludo Lejeune (with Valentin Goussev)
Imperative-Hortative Systems Johan van der Auwera, Nina Dobrushina and Valentin Goussev
The Optative Nina Dobrushina, Valentin Goussev and Johan van der Auwera
Situational Possibility Johan van der Auwera and Andreas Ammann
Epistemic Possibility Johan van der Auwera and Andreas Ammann
Overlap between Situational and Epistemic Modal Marking Johan van der Auwera and Andreas Ammann
Semantic Distinctions of Evidentiality Ferdinand de Haan
Coding of Evidentiality Ferdinand de Haan
Suppletion According to Tense and Aspect Ljuba Veselinova
Verbal Number and Suppletion Ljuba Veselinova
6 Word Order
Order of Subject, Object and Verb Matthew S. Dryer
Order of Subject and Verb Matthew S. Dryer
Order of Object and Verb Matthew S. Dryer
Order of Object, Oblique, and Verb Matthew S. Dryer (with Orin D. Gensler)
Order of Adposition and Noun Phrase Matthew S. Dryer
Order of Genitive and Noun Matthew S. Dryer
Order of Adjective and Noun Matthew S. Dryer
Order of Demonstrative and Noun Matthew S. Dryer
Order of Numeral and Noun Matthew S. Dryer
Order of Relative Clause and Noun Matthew S. Dryer
Order of Degree Word and Adjective Matthew S. Dryer
Position of Polar Question Particles Matthew S. Dryer
Position of Interrogative Phrases in Content Questions Matthew S. Dryer
Order of Adverbial Subordinator and Clause Matthew S. Dryer
Relationship between Order of Object and Verb and Order of Adposition and Noun Phrase Matthew S. Dryer
Relationship between Order of Object and Verb and Order of Relative Clause and Noun Matthew S. Dryer
Relationship between Order of Object and Verb and Order of Adjective and Noun Matthew S. Dryer
7 Simple Clauses
Alignment of Case Marking of Full Noun Phrases Bernard Comrie
Alignment of Case Marking of Pronouns Bernard Comrie
Alignment of Verbal Person Marking Anna Siewierska
Expression of Pronominal Subjects Matthew S. Dryer
Order of Verbal Person Markers Anna Siewierska
Zero Third Person Markers Anna Siewierska
Verbal Person Agreement Anna Siewierska
Ditransitive Constructions: The Verb 'Give' Martin Haspelmath
Reciprocal Constructions Elena Maslova and Vladimir Nedjalkov
Passive Constructions Anna Siewierska
Antipassive Constructions Maria Polinsky
Applicative Constructions Maria Polinsky
Periphrastic Causative Constructions Jae Jung Song
Nonperiphrastic Causative Constructions Jae Jung Song
Negative Morphemes Matthew S. Dryer
Symmetric and Asymmetric Standard Negation Matti Miestamo
Subtypes of Asymmetric Standard Negation Matti Miestamo
Negative Indefinite Pronouns and Predicate Negation Martin Haspelmath
Polar Questions Matthew S. Dryer
Predicative Possession Leon Stassen
Predicative Adjectives Leon Stassen
Nominal and Locational Predication Leon Stassen
Zero Copula for Predicate Nominals Leon Stassen
Comparative Constructions Leon Stassen
8 Complex Sentences
Relativization on Subjects Bernard Comrie and Tania Kuteva
Relativization on Obliques Bernard Comrie and Tania Kuteva
'Want' Complement Subjects Martin Haspelmath
Purpose Clauses Sonia Cristofaro
'When' Clauses Sonia Cristofaro
Reason Clauses Sonia Cristofaro
Utterance Complement Clauses Sonia Cristofaro
9 Lexicon
Hand and Arm Cecil H. Brown
Finger and Hand Cecil H. Brown
Numeral Bases Bernard Comrie
Number of Non-Derived Categories Receiving Basic Color Terms Paul Kay and Luisa Maffi
Number of Basic Color Categories Receiving Basic Color Terms Paul Kay and Luisa Maffi
Green and Blue Paul Kay and Luisa Maffi
Red and Yellow Paul Kay and Luisa Maffi
M-T Pronouns Johanna Nichols and David Peterson
N-M Pronouns Johanna Nichols and David Peterson
Tea Östen Dahl
10 Sign Languages
Sign Languages: Irregular Negatives Ulrike Zeshan
Sign Languages: Question Particles Ulrike Zeshan
11 Other
Writing Systems Bernard Comrie
Para-Linguistic Usages of Clicks David Gil