Location |
Lecture hall 8 |
Lecture hall 10 |
Lecture hall 11 |
Lecture hall 12 |
Theme session |
chair: D. Gil |
chair: L. Brown |
Theme session |
8.30-9.00 |
Marianne Mithun (C1)
Deconstructing Teleology: The place of synchronic usage patterns among processes of diachronic development |
Mark Donohue
The typology of syllable structure |
Patience Epps
Motion, path, and topography in verbal constructions: An Amazonian perspective |
Andreas Jäger (G1)
'Do'-periphrasis as a cross-linguistic predicate focus strategy |
9.05-9.35 |
Sonia Cristofaro (C2)
The referential hierarchy: reviewing the evidence in diachronic perspective |
Amy Pei-jung Lee
A Typology of Metathesis in Formosan Languages |
Antoine Guillaume
Towards a typology of associated motion in South American languages and beyond |
Dejan Matic & Irina Nikolaeva (G2)
Predicate focus and realis mood in Tundra Yukaghir and beyond |
9.40-10.10 |
Spike Gildea (C3)
Motivated versus unmotivated pathways in the evolution of main clause alignment patterns |
Ian Maddieson
Consonant harmony as spreading: an evaluation |
Mathias Jenny
Transitive directionals in Mon - form, function and implications for linguistic typlogy |
Anne Schwarz (G3)
If it would only rain! Predicate-centered focus, epistemicity and assertion in Secoya |
10.10-10.40 |
10.40-11.10 |
Francoise Rose (C4)
Deconstructing the person hierarchy as an explanation of the synchrony and diachrony of Tupi-Guarani indexing systems
Steven Moran et al.
Estimating diachronic preferences of phonological features cross-linguistically |
Susanne Michaelis
Motion constructions in contact languages: cross-linguistic evidence from APiCS |
Pascal Boyeldieu (G4)
Verb apocope as a marker of predicate backgrounding in Yulu (Central Sudanic, Chad/Sudan) |
chair: D. Forker |
11.15-11.45 |
Aaron Griffith (C5)
Diachronic factors and the animacy hierarchy in Old Irish |
Erich Round
The phonologically exceptional continent: a large cross-linguistic survey reveals why Australia is, and is not, typologically unusual |
Matti Miestamo
The marking of nominal participants under negation |
Anneliese Kuhle
Schematizing cross-linguistic variation: the case of reciprocal constructions |
11.50-12.20 |
Guillaume Jacques & Anton Antonov (C6)
The decay of direct/inverse systems |
Tobias Weber
Why is ergativity often restricted to certain environments? A look at the diachrony of Differential A Marking |
Ljuba Veselinova
Lexicalized negative verbs: a cross-linguistic study |
Anna Volkova & Eric Reuland
On the universality of reflexive strategies |
12.20-14.00 |
Theme session |
chair: G. Corbett |
chair: P. Epps |
Theme session |
14.00-14.30 |
Johannes Helmbrecht et al. (C7)
Morphosyntactic coding of proper names and ist implications for the Empathy Hierarchy |
Oliver Bond & Kristin Hildebrandt
Optional ergative case marking: what can be expressed by its absence? |
Felicity Meakins & Rachel Nordlinger
Possessor Dissent: Oblique possessive constructions in Bilinarra |
Søren Wichmann et al. (H1)
Simulating language, family, and feature evolution: a review of the state of the art |
14.35-15.05 |
Denis Creissels (C8)
The Obligatory Coding Principle (alias Obligatory Case Parameter) in diachronic perspective |
Michael Goncalves et al.
Bi-absolutive construction in Nakh-Dagestanian: unity and diversity |
Kazuhiro Kawachi
The Distinction between Exclusive and Shared Possession in Kupsapiny |
Dan Dediu (H2)
Structural stability across methods, language families and geographic areas |
15.10-15.40 |
Bill Palmer (C9)
The interaction of hierarchies of number, animacy and morphosyntax in Meso-Melanesian |
Elisabeth Verhoeven
Ergativity splits and DSM in Cabécar (Chibcha) |
Steffen Haurholm-Larsen
Garifuna attributive possession in comparative perspective |
Ian Maddieson & Carolina Smith (H3)
Quantifying phonological complexity and its distribution |
15.45-16.15 |
Jeremy Collins (C10)
Word Order Change and Hawkins's Prepositional Noun Modifier Hierarchy |
Ksenia Shagal
Towards a comparative concept of participle |
Shiao Wei Tham
Properties of possessive HAVE |
Jelena Prokic (H4)
Tracking Typology on the Micro-Level: Inheritance and Diffusion of Linguistic Features |
16.15-16.45 |
chair: A. Shluinsky |
chair: P. Arkadiev |
chair: V. Plungian |
Theme session |
16.45-17.15 |
Mark Dingemanse
Implicational hierarchies and semantic typology: the case of ideophones |
Michael Tanangkingsing
Demonstratives in Cebuano: Referential and non-Referential Functions |
Eva van Lier & Marlou van Rijn
Possessive marking in nominal/verbal contexts in Oceanic languages |
Erich Round & Cicely Bonnin (H5)
How to design a dataset which doesn’t undermine automated analysis |
17.20-17.50 |
Anne Tamm
Generic markers: a basic questionnaire and experimental toolkit |
Silvia Luraghi
The mapping of space onto the domain of benefaction: Beneficiaries that are not Recipients and their sources |
Frank Seifart et al.
The semantic domain of dressing and undressing cross-linguistically |
Sergey Say (H6)
Bivalent verb classes: a quantitative-typological assessment |
17.55-18.25 |
Daniel Valle
An unusual path to evidentiality: Evidence from Kakataibo |
Nicholas Evans & Simon Greenhill
Paradigms, diachronic typology, and language classification: Bayesian phylogenetics and pronoun paradigms |
Maria Shapiro
The Verbs of Oscillation in a typological perspective |
Hisao Tokizaki & Kaoru Fukuda (H7)
A statistical association between head-complement orders and word-stress location |
18.45-19.30 |
Maria Koptjevskaja-Tamm, Frans Plank, and others
Remembering Aleksandr E. ("Sasha") Kibrik (1939-2012)
Lecture Hall 8 |