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Public events

25 October 2024 / 19:00-21:00
The Evolution of Violence - Panel Discussion with Johannes Krause, Harald Meller and Kai Michel (in German)

Foyer, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Deutscher Platz 6, 04103 Leipzig
Admission free!

Panel discussion on the new book by Harald Meller, Kai Michel and Carel van Schaik:
The evolution of violence: Why we want peace but wage wars. A history of humankind

What drives people to kill other people? In this history of human violence, the authors combine insights from various sciences to show the conditions under which war, murder, and manslaughter occur. And how we can prevent them in the future.

Conferences, workshops & symposia

23-27 September 2024: Summer School
"Bridging Archaeogenetics and Medieval Studies: Using aDNA as a source for migration, demographics, kinship and pathology"

Permanent & temporary exhibitions

Our permanent exhibition is located in the entrance hall of the Institute and currently consists of five showcases. It invites visitors to learn about interdisciplinary research at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (MPI-EVA).

In addition, MPI-EVA hosts temporary exhibitions. Artists from the region as well as institute staff members have shown mainly photographs and graphic design works.

  • "The Opposite of Gray" by Cornelia Bochmann-Hochmuth / October 2024 through February 2025
  • "White" by Cornelia Starke / May through September 2024
    Certain images captivate us with a magnetic allure, offering a sense of harmony and tranquility. The artist excels in the craft of producing such captivating artwork. Cornelia Starke has cultivated a natural affinity for white hues, which, when combined with various materials, create captivating plays of light. Following the principle "less is more," her abstract painting is reduced to the representations of a network, an interweaving within the primal matrix of the universe. Her philosophical endeavor involves exploring her unique style of abstract art with the contemplative mindset of a novice. This internal observer meticulously examines, critiques, refines, and enhances her actions, ultimately guiding her toward a greater understanding and expression.
  • "Underwater Hunters" by Karl Frost / January through April 2024
    This visual documentation shows photos of traditional breath-hold divers in Tonga and Japan.