| 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001
In press
Moll, H., & Tomasello, M. (in press). Social cognition in the second year of life. In A. Leslie, & T. German ( |
Benozio, A., House, B. R., & Tomasello, M. (2024). Gender and cultural differences in the development of reciprocity in young children. Developmental Psychology, 60, 1082-1096. |
Hepach, R., & Tomasello, M. (2024). Instrumental helping motivations of children and chimpanzees (advance online). Child Development Perspectives. |
Kaminski, J., Stengelin, R., Girndt, A., Haun, D., & Liebal, K. (2024). Understanding others' preferences: A comparison across primate species and human societies. PLoS ONE, 19(1): e0295221. |
Knofe, H., Engelmann, J. M., Grueneisen, S., & Herrmann, E. (2024). Instrumental helping and short‐term reciprocity in chimpanzees and human children. Ethology, 130(4): e13426. |
Salas-Morellón, L., Palacios-Huerta, I., & Call, J. (2024). Dynamic inconsistency in great apes. Scientific Reports, 14: 18130. |
Tomasello, M. (2024). An agency-based model of executive and metacognitive regulation. Frontiers in Developmental Psychology, 2. |
Vasil, J., Capoot, C., & Tomasello, M. (2024). Effects of group entitativity on young English-speaking children’s interpretation of inclusive We. PLoS One, 19: e0306556. |
Vasil, J., Price, D., & Tomasello, M. (2024). Thought and language: Effects of group‐mindedness on young children's interpretation of exclusive we. Child Development, 95(3): e155–e163, pp. 657-1040. |
Vasil, J., Provençal, M., & Tomasello, M. (2024). Effects of “We”-framing and partner number on 2- and 3-year-olds’ sense of commitment. Cognitive Development, 72: 101511. |
Winter, P., & Tomasello, M. (2024). From what I want to do to what we decided to do: 5-year-olds, but not 3-year-olds, honor their agreements with peers. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 239: 105811. |
Altınok, N., Over, H., & Carpenter, M. (2023). Young children use imitation communicatively. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 231: 105654. |
Benozio, A., House, B. R., & Tomasello, M. (2023). Apes reciprocate food positively and negatively. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 290(1998): 20222541. |
Bohn, M., Tessler, M. H., Kordt, C., Hausmann, T., & Frank, M. C. (2023). An individual differences perspective on pragmatic abilities in the preschool years. Developmental Science, 26(6): e13401. |
Colle, L., Grosse, G., Behne, T., & Tomasello, M. (2023). Just teasing! - Infants' and toddlers' understanding of teasing interactions and its effect on social bonding. Cognition, 231: 105314. |
Hepach, R., Engelmann, J. M., Herrmann, E., Gerdemann, S. C., & Tomasello, M. (2023). Evidence for a developmental shift in the motivation underlying helping in early childhood. Developmental Science, 26(1): e13253. |
Hodgetts, C. J., Close, J. O. E., & Hahn, U. (2023). Similarity and structured representation in human and nonhuman apes. Cognition, 236: 105419. |
Tomasello, M. (2023). Differences in the social motivations and emotions of humans and other great apes. Human Nature, 34, 588-604. |
Tomasello, M. (2023). Social cognition and metacognition in great apes: A theory. Animal Cognition, 26, 25-35. |
Vasil, J., Moore, C., & Tomasello, M. (2023). Thought and language: Association of groupmindedness with young English-speaking children’s production of pronouns. First Language, 43(5), 516-538. |
Wolf, W., & Tomasello, M. (2023). A shared intentionality account of uniquely human social bonding (advance online). Perspectives on Psychological Science. |
Wolf, W., Thielhelm, J., & Tomasello, M. (2023). Five-year-old children show cooperative preferences for faces with white sclera. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 225: 105532. |
Allritz, M., Call, J., Schweller, K., McEwen, E. S., de Guinea, M., Janmaat, K. R. L., Menzel, C. R., & Dolins, F. L. (2022). Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) navigate to find hidden fruit in a virtual environment. Science Advances, 8: eabm4754. |
Call, J. (2022). The “avoid the empty cup” hypothesis does not explain great apes’ (Gorilla gorilla, Pan paniscus, Pan troglodytes, Pongo abelii) responses in two three-cup one-item inference by exclusion tasks. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 136(3), 172-188. |
Grueneisen, S., & Tomasello, M. (2022). How fairness and dominance guide young children’s bargaining decisions. Child Development, 93(5), 1318-1333. |
Marno, H., Völter, C. J., Tinklenberg, B., Sperber, D., & Call, J. (2022). Learning from communication versus observation in great apes. Scientific Reports, 12: 2917. |
Motes-Rodrigo, A., McPherron, S. P., Archer, W., Hernandez-Aguilar, R. A., & Tennie, C. (2022). Experimental investigation of orangutans’ lithic percussive and sharp stone tool behaviours. PLOS ONE, 17: e0263343. |
O'Madagain, C., & Tomasello, M. (2022). Shared intentionality, reason-giving and the evolution of human culture. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 377(1843): 20200320. |
O'Madagain, C., Helming, K. A., Schmidt, M. F. H., Shupe, E., Call, J., & Tomasello, M. (2022). Great apes and human children rationally monitor their decisions. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 289(1971): 20212686. |
Tomasello, M. (2022). The coordination of attention and action in great apes and humans. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 377(1859): 20210093. |
Tomasello, M. (2022). What is it like to be a chimpanzee? Synthese, 200: 102. |
Vasil, J., & Tomasello, M. (2022). Effects of “we”-framing on young children’s commitment, sharing, and helping. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 214: 105278. |
Völter, C. J., Tinklenberg, B., Call, J., & Seed, A. M. (2022). Inhibitory control and cue relevance modulate chimpanzees’ (Pan troglodytes) performance in a spatial foraging task. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 136(2), 105-120. |
Allritz, M., McEwen, E. S., & Call, J. (2021). Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) show subtle signs of uncertainty when choices are more difficult. Cognition, 214: 104766. |
Bandini, E., Großmann, J., Funk, M., Albiach‐Serrano, A., & Tennie, C. (2021). Naïve orangutans (Pongo abeliiand Pongo pygmaeus) individually acquire nut‐cracking using hammer tools. American Journal of Primatology, 83(9): e23304. |
Domberg, A., Tomasello, M., & Köymen, B. (2021). Collaborative reasoning in the context of group competition. PLoS One, 16: e0246589. |
Ebel, S. J., Völter, C. J., & Call, J. (2021). Prior experience mediates the usage of food items as tools in great apes (Pan paniscus, Pan troglodytes, Gorilla gorilla, and Pongo abelii). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 135(1), 64-73. |
Eckert, J., Rakoczy, H., Duguid, S., Herrmann, E., & Call, J. (2021). The ape lottery: Chimpanzees fail to consider spatial information when drawing statistical inferences. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 8(3), 305-324. |
Engelmann, J. M., Zhang, Z., Zeidler, H., Dunham, Y., & Herrmann, E. (2021). The influence of friendship and merit on children’s resource allocation in three societies. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 208: 105149. |
Hepach, R., Vaish, A., Kano, F., Benziad, L., Call, J., & Tomasello, M. (2021). Chimpanzees’ (Pan troglodytes) internal arousal remains elevated if they cannot themselves help a conspecific. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 135(2), 196-207. |
Howard, A., & Mundry, R. (2021). Processing geospatial data in R: A primer. In F. L. Dolins, C. A. Shaffer, L. M. Porter, J. R. Hickey, & N. P. Nibbelink ( |
Kanngiesser, P., Mammen, M., & Tomasello, M. (2021). Young children’s understanding of justifications for breaking a promise. Cognitive Development, 60: 101127. |
Li, L., Britvan, B., & Tomasello, M. (2021). Young children conform more to norms than to preferences. PLoS One, 16(5): e0251228. |
Mammen, M., Köymen, B., & Tomasello, M. (2021). Young children’s moral judgments depend on the social relationship between agents. Cognitive Development, 57: 100973. |
Motes-Rodrigo, A., Mundry, R., Call, J., & Tennie, C. (2021). Evaluating the influence of action- and subject-specific factors on chimpanzee action copying. Royal Society Open Science, 8: 200228. |
Nolte, S., & Call, J. (2021). Targeted helping and cooperation in zoo-living chimpanzees and bonobos. Royal Society Open Science, 8: 201688. |
O'Madagain, C., & Tomasello, M. (2021). Joint attention to mental content and the social origin of reasoning. Synthese, 198(5), 4057-4078. |
Ordaz-Németh, I., Sop, T., Amarasekaran, B., Bachmann, M., Boesch, C., Brncic, T., Caillaud, D., Campbell, G., Carvalho, J., Chancellor, R., Davenport, T. R. B., Dowd, D., Eno-Nku, M., Ganas-Swaray, J., Granier, N., Greengrass, E., Heinicke, S., Herbinger, I., Inkamba-Nkulu, C., Iyenguet, F., Junker, J., Bobo, K. S., Lushimba, A., Maisels, F., Malanda, G. A. F., McCarthy, M. S., Motsaba, P., Moustgaard, J., Murai, M., Ndokoue, B., Nixon, S., Nseme, R. A., Nzooh, Z., Pintea, L., Plumptre, A. J., Roy, J., Rundus, A., Sanderson, J., Serckx, A., Strindberg, S., Tweh, C., Vanleeuwe, H., Vosper, A., Waltert, M., Williamson, E. A., Wilson, M., Mundry, R., & Kühl, H. S. (2021). Range-wide indicators of African great ape density distribution. American Journal of Primatology, 83(12): e23338. |
Plötner, M., Hepach, R., Over, H., Carpenter, M., & Tomasello, M. (2021). Young children share more under time pressure than after a delay. PLoS One, 16: e0248121. |
Romain, A., Broihanne, M.-H., De Marco, A., Ngoubangoye, B., Call, J., Rebout, N., & Dufour, V. (2021). Non-human primates use combined rules when deciding under ambiguity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 376(1819): 20190672. |
Siposova, B., Grüneisen, S., Helming, K., Tomasello, M., & Carpenter, M. (2021). Common knowledge that help is needed increases helping behavior in children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 201: 104973. |
Tomasello, M. (2021). Response to: Rethinking human development and the shared intentionality hypothesis. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 12, 465-468. |
Wolf, W., Nafe, A., & Tomasello, M. (2021). The development of the liking gap: Children older than 5 years think that partners evaluate them less positively than they evaluate their partners. Psychological Science, 32(5), 789-798. |
Bachmann, M. E., Nielsen, M. R., Cohen, H., Haase, D., Kouassi, J. A. K., Mundry, R., & Kühl, H. S. (2020). Saving rodents, losing primates—Why we need tailored bushmeat management strategies. People and Nature, 2(4), 889-902. |
Bandini, E., Großmann, J., Serrano, A. A., & Tennie, C. (2020). A candidate culture-dependent form in apes, nut-cracking, can be individually learnt by naïve orangutans (Pongo abelii). bioRxiv. |
Boesch, C., Kalan, A. K., Mundry, R., Arandjelovic, M., Pika, S., Dieguez, P., Ayimisin, A. E., Barciela, A., Coupland, C., Egbe, V. E., Eno-Nku, M., Michael Fay, J., Fine, D., Adriana Hernandez-Aguilar, R., Hermans, V., Kadam, P., Kambi, M., Llana, M., Maretti, G., Morgan, D., Murai, M., Neil, E., Nicholl, S., Ormsby, L. J., Orume, R., Pacheco, L., Piel, A., Sanz, C., Sciaky, L., Stewart, F. A., Tagg, N., Wessling, E. G., Willie, J., & Kühl, H. S. (2020). Chimpanzee ethnography reveals unexpected cultural diversity. Nature Human Behaviour. |
Bohn, M., Kordt, C., Braun, M., Call, J., & Tomasello, M. (2020). Learning novel skills from iconic gestures: A developmental and evolutionary perspective. Psychological Science, 31(7), 873-880. |
Bräuer, J., Hanus, D., Pika, S., Gray, R. D., & Uomini, N. (2020). Old and new approaches to animal cognition: There is not “One Cognition”. Journal of Intelligence, 8(3). |
Bueno-Guerra, N., Colell, M., & Call, J. (2020). Effects of indirect reputation and type of rearing on food choices in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 74: 79. |
DeTroy, S., van Leeuwen, E. J. C., Call, J., & Haun, D. B. M. (2020). Chimp see, chimp do: The transmission of a novel skill across two groups of chimpanzees. Folia Primatologica, 91(3), 335-336. |
Duguid, S., Wyman, E., Grueneisen, S., & Tomasello, M. (2020). The strategies used by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and children (Homo sapiens) to solve a simple coordination problem. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 134(4), 401-411. |
Gopnik, A., Frankenhuis, W. E., & Tomasello, M. (2020). Introduction to special issue: ‘Life history and learning: how childhood, caregiving and old age shape cognition and culture in humans and other animals’. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 375(1803): 20190489. |
Grüneisen, S., & Tomasello, M. (2020). The development of coordination via joint expectations for shared benefits. Developmental Psychology, 56(6), 1149-1156. |
Grüneisen, S., & Wyman, E. (2020). The ontogeny and evolution of cooperation. In The Cambridge handbook of evolutionary perspectives on human behavior (pp. 265-275). New York: Cambridge University Press. |
Hepach, R., & Tomasello, M. (2020). Young children show positive emotions when seeing someone get the help they deserve. Cognitive Development, 56: 100935. |
Hepach, R., Benziad, L., & Tomasello, M. (2020). Chimpanzees help others with what they want; children help them with what they need. Developmental Science, 23(3): e12922. |
Hicks, T. C., Kühl, H. S., Boesch, C., Menken, S. B. J., Hart, J., Roessingh, P., Ewango, C., & Mundry, R. (2020). The relationship between tool use and prey availability in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) of Northern Democratic Republic of Congo. International Journal of Primatology, 41, 936-959. |
Janmaat, K., Ban, S. D., & Mundry, R. (2020). Estimating travel distance and linearity of primate routes: Ideas on how to clean and smooth track data collected with a handheld GPS. In F. L. Dolins, C. A. Shaffer, L. M. Porter, J. R. Hickey, & N. P. Nibbelink ( |
Kanngiesser, P., Rossano, F., Frickel, R., Tomm, A., & Tomasello, M. (2020). Children, but not great apes, respect ownership. Developmental Science, 23(1): e12842. |
Koomen, R. M., Grüneisen, S., & Herrmann, E. (2020). Children delay gratification for cooperative ends. Psychological Science, 31(2), 139-148. |
Köymen, B., & Tomasello, M. (2020). The early ontogeny of reason giving. Child Development Perspectives, 14(4), 215-220. |
Koymen, B., Jurkat, S., & Tomasello, M. (2020). Preschoolers refer to direct and indirect evidence in their collaborative reasoning. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 193: 104806. |
Köymen, B., O’Madagain, C., Domberg, A., & Tomasello, M. (2020). Young children’s ability to produce valid and relevant counter-arguments. Child Development, 91(3), 685-693. |
Lester, J. D., Vigilant, L., Gratton, P., McCarthy, M., Barratt, C. D., Boesch, C., Kühl, H. S., Dieguez, P., Aebischer, T., Agbor, A., Varona, P. Á., Angedakin, S., Assumang, A. K., Aubertf, F., Ayimisin, A. E., Bailey, E., Barubiyo, D., Bessone, M., Bonnet, M., Brazzola, G., Chancellor, R., Cipoletta, C., Cohen, H., Corogenes, K., Coupland, C., Curran, B., Danquah, E., Deschner, T., Dierks, K., Dilambaka, E., Dowd, D., Dunn, A., Dupain, J., Egbe, V. E., Goedmakers, A., Granjon, A.-C., Hedwig, D., Hermans, V., Imong, I., Jeffery, K. J., Jones, S., Junker, J., Kadam, P., Kaiser, M., Kalan, A. K., Kambere, M., Kambere, M., Kienast, I., Kujirakwinja, D., Langergraber, K. E., Lapeyre, V., Lapuente, J., Larson, B., Lee, K., Leinert, V., Llana, M., Manasseh, E.-N., Maretti, G., Marrocoli, S., Martín, R., Meier, A., Morgan, D., Mulindahabi, F., Murai, M., Neil, E., Nicholl, S., Nixon, S., Niyigaba, P., Normand, E., Orbell, C., Ormsby, L. J., Pacheco, L., Piel, A., Preece, J., Regnaut, S., Robbins, A. M., Sanz, C., Sciaky, L., Sommer, V., Stewart, F., Tagg, N., Telfer, P., Ton, E., van Schijndel, J., Vanleeuwe, H., Vergnes, V., Vyalengerera, M. K., Wessling, E. G., Willie, J., Wittig, R. M., Yuh, Y. G., Yurkiw, K., Zuberbühler, K., & Arandjelovic, M. (2020). Chimpanzee biogeography inferred from genetic diversity and effective migration. Folia Primatologica, 91(3), 264-265. |
Li, J., Hou, W., Zhu, L., & Tomasello, M. (2020). The development of intent-based moral judgment and moral behavior in the context of indirect reciprocity: A cross-cultural study. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 44(6), 525-533. |
Musgrave, S., Lonsdorf, E., Morgan, D., Prestipino, M., Bernstein-Kurtycz, L., Mundry, R., & Sanz, C. (2020). Teaching varies with task complexity in wild chimpanzees. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(2), 969-976. |
Pika, S., Sima, M. J., Blum, C. R., Herrmann, E., & Mundry, R. (2020). Ravens parallel great apes in physical and social cognitive skills. Scientific Reports, 10: 20617. |
Pouscoulous, N., & Tomasello, M. (2020). Early birds: Metaphor understanding in 3-year-olds. Journal of Pragmatics, 156, 160-167. |
Sánchez Amaro, A., Duguid, S., Call, J., & Tomasello, M. (2020). Do 7-year-old children understand social leverage? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 199: 104963. |
Schmelz, M., Grüneisen, S., & Tomasello, M. (2020). The psychological mechanisms underlying reciprocal prosociality in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 134(2), 149-157. |
Tauzin, T., Bohn, M., Gergely, G., & Call, J. (2020). Context-sensitive adjustment of pointing in great apes. Scientific Reports, 10: 1048. |
Tomasello, M. (2020). Kooperation und Kommunikation im zweiten Lebensjahr. In R. Braches-Chyrek, C. Röhner, H. Sünker, & M. Hopf ( |
Tomasello, M. (2020). The adaptive origins of uniquely human sociality. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 375(1803): 20190493. |
Tomasello, M. (2020). The many faces of obligation. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 43: e89. |
Tomasello, M. (2020). The role of roles in uniquely human cognition and sociality. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 50(1), 2-19. |
Ulber, J., & Tomasello, M. (2020). Young children’s prosocial responses toward peers and adults in two social contexts. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 198: 104888. |
Voinov, P. V., Call, J., Knoblich, G., Oshkina, M., & Allritz, M. (2020). Chimpanzee coordination and potential communication in a two-touchscreen turn-taking game. Scientific Reports, 10(1): 3400. |
Wolf, W., & Tomasello, M. (2020). Human children, but not great apes, become socially closer by sharing an experience in common ground. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 199: 104930. |
Wolf, W., & Tomasello, M. (2020). Watching a video together creates social closeness between children and adults. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 189: 104712. |
Amici, F., Kulik, L., Langos, D., & Widdig, A. (2019). Growing into adulthood – a review on sex differences in the development of sociality across macaques. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 73(2): 18. |
Amici, F., Sánchez Amaro, A., Sebastián-Enesco, C., Allritz, M., Cachhione, T., Salazar-Bonet, J., & Rossano, F. (2019). The word order of languages predicts native speakers’ working memory. Scientific Reports, 9: 1124. |
Barelli, C., Gonzalez-Astudillo, V., Mundry, R., Rovero, F., Hauffe, H. C., & Gillespie, T. R. (2019). Altitude and human disturbance are associated with helminth diversity in an endangered primate, Procolobus gordonorum. PLoS One, 14(12): e0225142. |
Ben-Mocha, Y., Mundry, R., & Pika, S. (2019). Joint attention skills in wild Arabian babblers (Turdoides squamiceps): A consequence of cooperative breeding? Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 286(1900): 20190147. |
Boesch, C., Bombjaková, D., Meier, A., & Mundry, R. (2019). Learning curves and teaching when acquiring nut-cracking in humans and chimpanzees. Scientific Reports, 9: 1515. |
Bohn, M., Call, J., & Tomasello, M. (2019). Natural reference: A phylo- and ontogenetic perspective on the comprehension of iconic gestures and vocalizations. Developmental Science, 22(2): e12757. |
Bohn, M., Kachel, G., & Tomasello, M. (2019). Young children spontaneously recreate core properties of language in a new modality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(51), 26072-26077. |
Broihanne, M.-H., Romain, A., Call, J., Thierry, B., Wascher, C. A. F., De Marco, A., Verrier, D., & Dufour, V. (2019). Monkeys (Sapajus apella and Macaca tonkeana) and great apes (Gorilla gorilla, Pongo abelii, Pan paniscus, and Pan troglodytes) play for the highest bid. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 133(3), 301-312. |
Bueno-Guerra, N., Völter, C. J., de las Heras, Á., Colell, M., & Call, J. (2019). Bargaining in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): The effect of cost, amount of gift, reciprocity, and communication. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 133(4), 542-550. |
Domberg, A., Köymen, B., & Tomasello, M. (2019). Children choose to reason with partners who submit to reason. Cognitive Development, 52: 100824. |
Ebel, S. J. (2019). Tool use in great apes and human children: The impact of prior experience and visual feedback. PhD Thesis, University of St Andrews, St Andrews. |
Ebel, S. J., Hanus, D., & Call, J. (2019). How prior experience and task presentation modulate innovation in 6-year-old-children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 180, 87-103. |
Ebel, S. J., Schmelz, M., Herrmann, E., & Call, J. (2019). Innovative problem solving in great apes: The role of visual feedback in the floating peanut task. Animal Cognition, 22(5), 791-805. |
Engelmann, J. M., & Tomasello, M. (2019). Children’s sense of fairness as equal respect. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 23(6), 454-463. |
Engelmann, J. M., & Tomasello, M. (2019). Respect defended. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 23(9), 716-717. |
Engelmann, J. M., Haux, L. M., & Herrmann, E. (2019). Helping in young children and chimpanzees shows partiality towards friends. Evolution and Human Behavior, 40(3), 292-300. |
Estienne, V. L., Robira, B., Mundry, R., Deschner, T., & Boesch, C. (2019). Acquisition of a complex extractive technique by the immature chimpanzees of Loango National Park, Gabon. Animal Behaviour, 147, 61-76. |
Gomes, C. M., Mundry, R., & Boesch, C. (2019). Why do the chimpanzees of the Taï Forest share meat? The value of bartering, begging, and hunting. In C. Boesch, & R. M. Wittig ( |
Grocke, P., Rossano, F., & Tomasello, M. (2019). Preschoolers consider (absent) others when choosing a distribution procedure. PLoS One, 14(8): e0221186. |
Grüneisen, S., & Tomasello, M. (2019). Children use rules to coordinate in a social dilemma. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 179, 362-374. |
Hardecker, S., Buryn-Weitzel, J. C., & Tomasello, M. (2019). Adult instruction limits children’s flexibility in moral decision making. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 187: 104652. |
Heinicke, S., Mundry, R., Boesch, C., Amarasekaran, B., Barrie, A., Brncic, T., Brugière, D., Campbell, G., Carvalho, J., Danquah, E., Dowd, D., Eshuis, H., Fleury-Brugière, M.-C., Gamys, J., Ganas, J., Gatti, S., Ginn, L., Goedmakers, A., Granier, N., Herbinger, I., Hillers, A., Jones, S., Junker, J., Kouakou, C. Y., Lapeyre, V., Leinert, V., Marrocoli, S., Molokwu-Odozi, M., N'Goran, P. K., Normand, E., Pacheco, L., Regnaut, S., Sop, T., Ton, E., van Schijndel, J., Vendras, E., Vergnes, V., Welsh, A., Wessling, E. G., & Kühl, H. S. (2019). Characteristics of positive deviants in western chimpanzee populations. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7: 16. |
Hepach, R., & Herrmann, E. (2019). The development of prosocial attention across two cultures. Frontiers in Psychology, 10: 138. |
Hepach, R., Vaish, A., Müller, K., & Tomasello, M. (2019). The relation between young children's physiological arousal and their motivation to help others. Neuropsychologia, 126, 113-119. |
Hepach, R., Vaish, A., Müller, K., & Tomasello, M. (2019). Toddlers’ intrinsic motivation to return help to their benefactor. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 188: 104658. |
Herrmann, E., Engelmann, J. M., & Tomasello, M. (2019). Children engage in competitive altruism. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 179, 176-189. |
Herrmann, E., Haux, L. M., Zeidler, H., & Engelmann, J. M. (2019). Human children but not chimpanzees make irrational decisions driven by social comparison. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: B, Biological Sciences, 286(1894): 20182228. |
Hicks, C., Kühl, H. S., Boesch, C., Dieguez, P., Ayimisin, A. E., Fernandez, R. M., Zungawa, D. B., Kambere, M., Swinkels, J., Menken, S. B. J., Hart, J., Mundry, R., & Roessingh, P. (2019). Bili-Uéré: A Chimpanzee Behavioural Realm in Northern Democratic Republic of Congo. Folia Primatologica, 90(1), 3-64. |
Horschler, D. J., Hare, B., Call, J., Kaminski, J., Miklósi, Á., & MacLean, E. L. (2019). Absolute brain size predicts dog breed differences in executive function. Animal Cognition, 22(2), 187-198. |
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Kaminski, J., Bräuer, J., Call, J., & Tomasello, M. (2009). Domestic dogs are sensitive to a human's perspective. Behaviour, 146(7), 979-998. |
Kaminski, J., Tempelmann, S., Call, J., & Tomasello, M. (2009). Domestic dogs comprehend human communication with iconic signs. Developmental Science, 12(6), 831-837. |
Kirjavainen, M., Theakston, A. L., & Lieven, E. (2009). Can input explain children's me-for-I errors? Journal of Child Language, 36(5), 1091-1114. |
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Lambach, Y., Herrmann, E., Call, J., & Tomasello, M. (2009). Physical and social cognition in domestic dogs: A comparative study. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 4(2), 49-50. |
Liebal, K., & Tomasello, M. (2009). Infants appreciate the social intention behind a pointing gesture: Commentary on “Children's understanding of communicative intentions in the middle of the second year of life” by T. Aureli, P. Perucchini and M. Genco. Cognitive Development, 24(1), 13-15. |
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Manrique, H. M., Gross, A.-N.-M., & Call, J. (2009). Tool Selection Based on Rigidity in Great Apes. Folia Primatologica, 80(2), 128-128. |
Martin-Ordas, G., & Call, J. (2009). Assessing Generalization Within and Between Trap Tasks in the Great Apes. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 22(1), 43-60. |
Matsui, T., Rakoczy, H., Miura, Y., & Tomasello, M. (2009). Understanding of speaker certainty and false-belief reasoning: a comparison of Japanese and German preschoolers. Developmental Science, 12(4), 602-613. |