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Heiko Temming

Engineer for 3D imaging systems, software implementation and development

Department of Human Origins
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Deutscher Platz 6
04103 Leipzig

phone: +49 (0) 341 3550 359
e-mail: temming@[>>> Please remove the text! <<<]eva.mpg.de



Moubtahij, Z., McCormack, J., Bourgon, N., Trost, M., Sinet-Mathiot, V., Fuller, B. T., Smith, G. M., Temming, H., Steinbrenner, S., Hublin, J.-J., Bouzouggar, A., Turner, E., & Jaouen, K. (2024). Isotopic evidence of high reliance on plant food among Later Stone Age hunter-gatherers at Taforalt, Morocco. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 8(5), 1035-1245.
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Balzeau, A., Albessard-Ball, L., Kubicka, A., Filippo, A., Beaudet, A., Santos, E., Bienvenu, T., Arsuaga, J.-L., Bartsiokas, A., Berger, L., Bermúdez de Castro, J., Brunet, M., Carlson, K., Daura, J., Gorgoulis, V., Grine, F., Harvati, K., Hawks, J., Herries, A., Hublin, J.-J., Hui, J., Ives, R., Joordens, J., Kaifu, Y., Kouloukoussa, M., Léger, B., Lordkipanidze, D., Margvelashvili, A., Martin, J., Martinón-Torres, M., May, H., Mounier, A., du Plessis, A., Rae, T., Röding, C., Sanz, M., Semal, P., Stratford, D., Stringer, C., Tawane, M., Temming, H., Tsoukala, E., Zilhão, J., Zipfel, B., & Buck, L. (2023). Les sinus frontaux au cours de l’évolution humaine = The frontal sinuses during human evolution. Bulletins et mémoires de la société d'anthropologie de Paris, 35(Suppl.).
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Balzeau, A., Albessard-Ball, L., Kubicka, A. M., Filippo, A., Beaudet, A., Santos, E., Bienvenu, T., Arsuaga, J.-L., Bartsiokas, A., Berger, L., de Castro, B., María, J., Brunet, M., Carlson, K. J., Daura, J., Gorgoulis, V. G., Grine, F. E., Harvati, K., Hawks, J., Herries, A., Hublin, J.-J., Hui, J., Ives, R., Joordens, J. A., Kaifu, Y., Kouloukoussa, M., Léger, B., Lordkipanidze, D., Margvelashvili, A., Martin, J., Martinón-Torres, M., May, H., Mounier, A., du Plessis, A., Rae, T., Röding, C., Sanz, M., Semal, P., Stratford, D., Stringer, C., Tawane, M., Temming, H., Tsoukala, E., Zilhão, J., Zipfel, B., & Buck, L. T. (2022). Frontal sinuses and human evolution. Science Advances, 8(42): eabp9767.
Open Access    DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

Power, R. C., Henry, A. G., Moosmann, J., Beckmann, F., Temming, H., Roberts, A., & Le Cabec, A. (2022). Synchrotron radiation-based phase-contrast microtomography of human dental calculus allows nondestructive analysis of inclusions: Implications for archeological samples. Journal of Medical Imaging, 9(3): 031505.
Open Access    DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

Immel, A., Le Cabec, A. *., Bonazzi, M., Herbig, A., Temming, H., Schuenemann, V. J., Bos, K. I., Langbein, F., Harvati, K., Bridault, A., Pion, G., Julien, M.-A., Krotova, O., Conard, N. J., Münzel, S. C., Drucker, D. G., Viola, B., Hublin, J.-J., Tafforeau, P., & Krause, J. *. (2016). Effect of X-ray irradiation on ancient DNA in sub-fossil bones – Guidelines for safe X-ray imaging. Scientific Reports, 6: 32969.
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Olejniczak, A. J., Tafforeau, P., Smith, T. M., Temming, H., & Hublin, J.-J. (2007). Technical note: Compatibility of microtomographic imaging systems for dental measurements. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 134(1), 130-134.
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Richter, D., & Temming, H. (2006). Testing heated flint palaeodose protocols using dose recovery procedures. Radiation Measurements, 41, 819-825.
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Book Chapters

Maureille, B., Hublin, J.-J., Avec la collaboration de, Devilder, G., & Temming, H. (2019). L’Homme châtelperronien de la grotte du Renneet l’inventaire des vestiges humains des grottes d'Arcy-sur-Cure. In M. Julien, F. David, M. Girard, & A. Roblin-Jouve (Eds.), Le Châtelperronien de la grotte du Renne (Arcy-sur-Cure, Yonne, France): Les fouilles d’André Leroi-Gourhan (1949-1963) (pp. 365-408). Les Eyzies-de-Tayac: Société des Amis du Musée national de Préhistoire et de la Recherche archéologique.
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Meeting Abstracts

Tafforeau, P., Le Cabec, A., Immel, A., Bonazzi, M., Schuenemann, V., Herbig, A., Temming, H., Viola, T. B., Hublin, J.-J., & Krause, J. (2015). Reconciling X-ray microtomography of recent fossils and paleogenetics: Simple technical solutions and good practices. In 5th Annual Meeting of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution (pp. 215-215). European Society for the Study of Human Evolution (ESHE).
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Olejniczak, A. J., Smith, T. M., Tafforeau, P., Temming, H., & Hublin, J.-J. (2006). A comparison of microtomographic systems for the analysis of dental tissues. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 129(S42), 167.
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