News/Press releases

Contact: Sandra Jacob (e-mail: info@[>>> Please remove the text! <<<], phone: +49 (0) 341-3550 122)


Not all bonobos are the same – three genetically distinct populations in the Congo

Evolutionary Genetics

Historically small population at high risk of extinction

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Lengthened consonants mark the beginning of words

Linguistic and Cultural Evolution

A new study shows that word-initial consonants are systematically lengthened across a diverse sample of languages

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Oldest DNA from South Africa decoded to date


10,000-year-old human genomes are genetically similar to those of ethnic groups living in the region today

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Unlocking the secrets of Black Death victims‘ genomes


Harald Ringbauer receives ERC Starting Grant to study the DNA of Medieval Black Death victims

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Early Homo sapiens innovation and adaptation

Former Departments
Human Evolution

Bacho Kiro Cave provides key insights into the technological and behavioral evolution of pioneer Homo sapiens in Europe

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How chimpanzees adapt to open habitats

Human Origins

Study on Issa Valley chimpanzees challenges traditional views on arboreal behaviour and hominin evolution

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Cell atlas of regenerating liver

Evolutionary Genetics

Leipzig scientists analyse 21,000 cells from tissue samples

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Local food production saves costs and carbon

Human Behavior, Ecology and Culture

Study highlights economic and environmental efficiency of Indigenous harvesting in the Canadian Arctic communities

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Does fertility affect a woman's body odour?

Primate Behavior and Evolution

Also using chemical analysis, new study finds no evidence

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What about bipedalism in Sahelanthropus?

Human Origins

No evidence in Sahelanthropus postcranial remains supporting habitual bipedalism

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Investigating the biological and social structures of human societies


An ERC Advanced Grant has been awarded to Wolfgang Haak, head of the Molecular Anthropology Research Group in the Department of Archaeogenetics at the…

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Origin and spread of malaria


Scientists reconstruct ancient genomes of the two most deadly malaria parasites, Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum

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Ritual sacrifice at Chichén Itzá


Ancient Maya genomes reveal the practice of male twin sacrifice and the enduring genetic legacy of colonial-era epidemics

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Kinship and ancestry of the Celts in Baden-Württemberg, Germany


Genetic analyses of Celtic burial mounds from 500 BCE reveal close relationships and provide new insights into the power structures of early Celtic…

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Taking the lead in music

Human Behavior, Ecology and Culture

First-mover advantage may be key to success in the music industry

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Shedding light on past encounters between hominin groups

Research Groups
Evolutionary Genetics

Mateja Hajdinjak starts a new Max Planck Research Group at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig

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Variability in human body vocabularies

Linguistic and Cultural Evolution

Linguistic analysis provides insight into the vocabularies for body parts in more than a thousand languages

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Jenny Tung elected to the United States National Academy of Sciences

Primate Behavior and Evolution

The U.S. National Academy of Sciences honors Jenny Tung for her outstanding contributions

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More plants on the menu of ancient hunter-gatherers

Former Departments
Human Evolution

Isotopic evidence reveals surprising dietary practices of pre-agricultural human groups in Morocco

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Decoding Avar society


Using ancient DNA and archaeological evidence to unravel the kinship, social practices and transformations of early medieval steppe groups in Europe

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