Theory in Cultural Evolution Lab

The multidisciplinary Theory in Cultural Evolution Lab (TICE Lab) brings together a unique group of mathematicians, physicists, theoretical biologists, and statisticians contributing to a general theory of cultural evolution.
Cultural evolution aims in part to explain the dynamics of cultural change, defined as changes in the frequency and diversity of cultural traits over time. We work on the premise that a mechanistic understanding of the processes underlying cultural change can help us to explain something about the human species beyond what can be gleaned from genetic or even cultural data alone. Thus, we aim to place the study of cultural evolution on a firm theoretical footing, and provide a bridge between that theory and the cultural data collected by anthropologists and archaeologists.
To do this, we focus on developing analytical and simulation models of various cultural phenomena. A list of current projects can be found at
Who we are
Interested in joining our group?
We are always keen to hear from potential Ph.D. students or post-doctoral researchers with interest or experience in theoretical cultural evolution, especially from mathematical or quantitative backgrounds. We are open to individuals interested in specific projects above or with an interest in the general topics and themes of the lab.
Potential PhD students who have a Masters Degree can apply through the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS): the Leipzig School of Human Origins or contact us directly.
Potential postdocs should contact the lab initially and can also apply for external funding - here is a useful list of funding opportunities.
Please contact Anne Kandler or Laurel Fogarty with any questions.