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Barbara Fruth


Department of Human Behavior, Ecology and Culture
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Deutscher Platz 6
04103 Leipzig

phone: +49 (0) 341 3550 829
e-mail: fruth@[>>> Please remove the text! <<<]eva.mpg.de

Research Interests
Curriculum Vitae

Associate Professor (Reader) in Primate Behaviour and Conservation, Liverpool John Moores University, UK

Director of the LuiKotale Bonobo Project (LKBP), Centre for Research and Conservation, Royal Zoological Society of Antwerp, B

Research Interests

I am a behavioural ecologist and evolutionary anthropologist. Since 1990, I am studying wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Bonobos evolved striking peculiarities contrary to biological paradigms, as well as to its sister species, the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). They have a social organisation, with cooperation and bonding among females despite female exogamy; a remarkable mating behaviour, with a broad spectrum of sexual interactions including social sex; moderate aggression, with a resulting female dominated social structure; extensive food sharing of animals and plants; and a wondrous lack of material culture.

I am interested in bonobo social behaviour, their ecological constraints and their role within the ecosystem. I am specifically interested in their life history with focus on their health status as a direct measure of fitness. In this context, I am investigating the transition from plants and other items ingested as food to those used for medicinal purpose. I follow an interdisciplinary approach integrating herbaria, analyses of plant’s phytochemical and pharmacological properties, and their effect on growth, health and fitness of individual bonobos.

Another focus is conservation. The LuiKotale Bonobo project is very remote, and adjacent to Salonga National Park, a World Heritage Site of Nature. In close collaboration with the local population, I develop strategies conserving habitat and species suitable as model for large scale protection.

Curriculum Vitae

Barbara Ingrid Fruth


Recent Positions & Professional Experiences

Since June 2016 Reader/Associate Professor for Primate Behaviour and Conservation; Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, Faculty of Science, School of Natural Sciences and Psychology, UK

Project Director, LuiKotale Bonobo Project (LKBP) of the Royal Zoological Society of Antwerp, Belgium / Centre for Research and Conservation (CRC/KMDA) 

Associate researcher, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (MPIEVAN) Leipzig, Germany / Department of Human Behavior, Ecology and Culture (since January 2018); Department of Developmental and Comparative Psychology (till December 2017) & Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) Munich, Germany / Department Biology II
2014-2016Senior Lecturer (Privatdozentin = PD) & Principal Investigator, Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) Munich, Germany / Department Biology II

Project Director, LuiKotale Bonobo Project (LKBP) of the Royal Zoological Society of Antwerp, Belgium / Centre for Research and Conservation (CRC/KMDA) 

Associate researcher, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (MPIEVAN) Leipzig, Germany / Department of Developmental and Comparative Psychology
2014Co-Curator, Rainforest-Exhibition "Regenwald" (Rainforest) in the Museum "Lokschuppen Rosenheim", Germany
2010-2013Senior Research Scientist, long-term research projects & Co-Director of the LKBP at MPIEVAN / Department of Primatology
2004-2010Research group leader, project „The Cuvette Centrale”as a reservoir of medicinal plants" and Co-Director of the LKBP; MPIEVAN / Dept.Prim.
2001-2004Research Scientist and group leader, as above; Max Planck Institute for Behavioural Physiology (MPIV), Seewiesen, Germany.


2013Habilitation1LMU Munich (Mentor: Prof. Dr. Gisela Grupe & Prof. Dr. Benedikt Grothe); “Challenging traditional concepts: Bonobo (Pan paniscus) behaviour and the quest for their habitat conservation by sustainable use of plants”.

Post-DocMPIV Seewiesen (Mentor: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wickler)
1990-1995Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D.)LMU, Munich (Mentor: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Neuweiler) & Max-Planck Research Unit for Human Ethology and Max-Planck Human Ethology Filmarchive, Erling, Germany (Mentor: Prof. Dr. Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt); “Nests and Nest Groups in Wild Bonobos (Pan paniscus): Ecological and Behavioural Correlates.”
1988-1990Diploma2 (M.Sc.)LMU, Munich (Mentors: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Neuweiler; external: Prof. Dr. Christian Vogel & Dr. Christophe Boesch): "Nests, Nutcracking Sites and Population Density of Chimpanzees: Studies on Regional Differences in the South Western Part of Ivory Coast (Rép. de Côte d'Ivoire).”
1983-1988Studies in BiologyMajors: ecology, human and animal ethology; Minors: botany, palaeontology.

Research & Fieldwork

2001 to dateCo-director, LuiKotale Bonobo Project: Continuation of the management and scientific supervision of long-term projects on bonobo socio-ecology, human eco-ethology, ethno-botany, floral diversity, and medicinal plants. Focus on prevalence and control of diseases including self-medication of wild bonobos in DRC. Founding, management and scientific supervision of projects with focus on environmental education and conservation. Research & Conservation Collaborations with Zoological Gardens in Europe
2001-2010Founding, management and scientific supervision of the project „The Cuvette Centrale as a reservoir of medicinal plants", with focus on the biodiversity in the central Congo basin, its anthropogenic use and potential for sustainable use. 
Founding and co-direction of the research project on bonobo socio-ecology (Pan paniscus) at LuiKotale, DRC
1997-2000Experimental investigations of bonobo dominance behaviour across different German zoos. Conceptual design and tutorial for diploma and master theses; teaching. Funding: LMU Munich & Max-Planck-Society (MPG)
1995-1997Continuation of long-term project on bonobo socio-ecology in DRC. Research and teaching in Oxford (OH) USA, Seewiesen and Munich. Funding: Miami University Oxford (OH) & MPG
1990-1995Founding and co-direction of research project on bonobo socio-ecology (Pan paniscus) at Lomako, DRC (then, Zaïre); Work was honoured in 1997 with the research award: “Therese-von-Bayern Preis”. Conceptual design and tutorial for diploma and master theses. Funding: MPG
1988-1990Research in the frame of the project "Tradition in West African Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)" at Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire) (directors: Dr. Ch. & H. Boesch, Univ. of Zurich). Funding: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) & Leakey Foundation


1 The "right to lecture" (venia legendi) in German-speaking universities is traditionally restricted to those, who, in addition to possessing a PhD, acquire the degree of "Habilitation". The award is not itself a tenure decision (and thus, carries the title "Privatdozent" (=PD)). However, the habilitation has traditionally been a prerequisite for tenure.

2 Prior to the Bologna-reform, a Diplomarbeit at German Universities was an empirical research project typically conducted over a 1–2 yr period, without taught components, resulting in a dissertation of typically twice the size of a master's thesis at a UK university, leading to the degree of "Diplom-Biologe" / "Diplom-Biologin"



Oelze, V. M., Ott, K., Lee, S. M., O'Neal, I., Hohmann, G., & Fruth, B. (2024). Preliminary isotopic assessment of weaning in bonobos shows evidence for extended nursing, sibling competition and invested first‐time mothers (advance online). American Journal of Primatology, e23678.
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Soliday, V., Louat, A., Miezi, E., & Fruth, B. (2022). Investigating the impact of a long-term research and conservation project on the expansion of land use and land cover in a remote area of central DRC. Trees, Forests and People, 11: 100368.
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Amato, K. R., Chaves, Ó. M., Mallott, E. K., Eppley, T. M., Abreu, F., Baden, A. L., Barnett, A. A., Bicca‐Marques, J. C., Boyle, S. A., Campbell, C. J., Chapman, C. A., De la Fuente, M. F., Fan, P., Fashing, P. J., Felton, A., Fruth, B., Fortes, V. B., Grueter, C. C., Hohmann, G., Irwin, M., Matthews, J. K., Mekonnen, A., Melin, A. D., Morgan, D. B., Ostner, J., Nguyen, N., Piel, A. K., Pinacho‐Guendulain, B., Quintino‐Arêdes, E. P., Razanaparany, P. T., Schiel, N., Sanz, C. M., Schülke, O., Shanee, S., Souto, A., Souza‐Alves, J. P., Stewart, F., Stewart, K. M., Stone, A., Sun, B., Tecot, S., Valenta, K., Vogel, E. R., Wich, S., & Zeng, Y. (2021). Fermented food consumption in wild nonhuman primates and its ecological drivers. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 175(3), 513-530.
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Behringer, V., Deimel, C., Stevens, J., Kreyer, M., Lee, S., Hohmann, G., Fruth, B., & Heistermann, M. (2021). Cell-mediated immune ontogeny is affected by sex but not environmental context in a long-lived primate species. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 629094.
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Lee, S., Hohmann, G., Lonsdorf, E., Fruth, B., & Murray, C. (2021). Gregariousness, foraging effort, and social interactions in lactating bonobos and chimpanzees. Behavioral Ecology, 32(1), 188-198.
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Girard-Buttoz, C., Surbeck, M., Samuni, L., Boesch, C., Fruth, B., Crockford, C., Hohmann, G., & Wittig, R. M. (2020). Variable use of polyadic grooming and its effect on access to social partners in wild chimpanzees and bonobos. Animal Behavior, 168, 211-224.
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Lee, S. M., Murray, C. M., Lonsdorf, E. V., Fruth, B., Stanton, M. A., Nichols, J., & Hohmann, G. (2020). Wild bonobo and chimpanzee females exhibit broadly similar patterns of behavioral maturation but some evidence for divergence. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 171(1), 100-109.
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Hohmann, G., Ortmann, S., Remer, T., & Fruth, B. (2019). Fishing for iodine: What aquatic foraging by bonobos tells us about human evolution. BMC Zoology, 4: 5.
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Kalan, A. K., Hohmann, G., Arandjelovic, M., Boesch, C., McCarthy, M., Agbor, A., Angedakin, S., Bailey, E., Wilungula Balongelwa, C., Bessone, M., Bocksberger, G., Coxe, S. J., Deschner, T., Despres-Einspenner, M.-L., Dieguez, P., Fruth, B., Herbinger, I., Granjon, A.-C., Head, J. S., Kablan, Y. A., Langergraber, K. E., Lotana Lokasola, A., Maretti, G., Marrocoli, S., Mbende, M., Moustgaard, J., N’Goran, P. K., Robbins, M. M., van Schijndel, J., Sommer, V., Surbeck, M., Tagg, N., Willie, J., Wittig, R. M., & Kühl, H. S. (2019). Novelty response of wild African apes to camera traps. Current Biology, 29(7), 1211-1217.
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Moscovice, L. R., Surbeck, M., Fruth, B., Hohmann, G., Jaeggi, A., & Deschner, T. (2019). The cooperative sex: Sexual interactions among female bonobos are linked to increases in oxytocin, proximity and coalitions. Hormones and Behavior, 116: 104581.
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Murthy, S., O’Brien, K., Agbor, A., Angedakin, S., Arandjelovic, M., Ayimisin, A. E., Bailey, E., Bergl, R. A., Brazzola, G., Dieguez, P., Eno-Nku, M., Eshuis, H., Fruth, B., Gillespie, T. R., Yuh, Y. G., Gray, M., Herbinger, I., Jones, S., Kehoe, L., Kühl, H. S., Kujirakwinja, D., Lee, K., Madinda, N. F., Mitamba, G., Muhindo, E., Nishuli, R., Ormsby, L. J., Petrzelkova, K. J., Plumptre, A. J., Robbins, M. M., Sommer, V., Ter Heegde, M., Todd, A., Tokunda, R., Wessling, E. G., Jarvis, M. A., Leendertz, F. H., Ehlers, B., & Calvignac-Spencer, S. (2019). Cytomegalovirus distribution and evolution in hominines. Virus Evolution, 5(2): vez015.
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Surbeck, M., Boesch, C., Crockford, C., Thompson, M. E., Furuichi, T., Fruth, B., Hohmann, G., Ishizuka, S., Machanda, Z., Muller, M. N., Pusey, A., Sakamaki, T., Tokuyama, N., Walker, K., Wrangham, R., Wroblewski, E., Zuberbühler, K., Vigilant, L., & Langergraber, K. (2019). Males with a mother living in their group have higher paternity success in bonobos but not chimpanzees. Current Biology, 29(10), R354-R355.
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Fruth, B., & Hohmann, G. (2018). Food Sharing across borders: First observation of inter-community meat sharing by bonobos at LuiKotale, DRC. Human Nature, 29(2), 91-103.
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Fruth, B., Tagg, N., & Stewart, F. (2018). Sleep and nesting behavior in primates: A review. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 166(3), 499-509.
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Beaune, D., Hohmann, G., Serckx, A., Sakamaki, T., Narat, V., & Fruth, B. (2017). How bonobo communities deal with fruits containing high tannin content: Re-ingestion and other feeding processes. Behavioural Processes, 142, 131-137.
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Bondjengo, N., Kitengie, G., Musibono, D., Lubini, C., Hohmann, G., & Fruth, B. (2017). Presence of alkaloids and cyanogenic glycosides in fruits consumed by sympatric bonobos and the Nkundo people at LuiKotale/Salonga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo and its relationship to food choice. African Primates, 12, 9-22.
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Fruth, B. I. (2017). Great ape nest-building. In A. Fuentes (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Primatology (pp. 484-486). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
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Mossoun, A., Calvignac-Spencer, S., Anoh, A. E., Pauly, M. S., Driscoll, D. A., Michel, A. O., Nazaire, L. G., Pfister, S., Sabwe, P., Thiesen, U., Vogler, B. R., Wiersma, L., Muyembe-Tamfum, J.-J., Karhemere, S., Akoua-Koffi, C., Couacy-Hymann, E., Fruth, B., Wittig, R. M., Leendertz, F., & Schubert, G. (2017). Bushmeat hunting and zoonotic transmission of Simian T-lymphotropic virus 1 in tropical West and Central Africa. Journal of Virology, 91(10): e02479-16.
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Surbeck, M., Girard-Buttoz, C., Boesch, C., Crockford, C., Fruth, B., Hohmann, G., Langergraber, K., Zuberbühler, K., Wittig, R. M., & Mundry, R. (2017). Sex-specific association patterns in bonobos and chimpanzees reflect species differences in cooperation. Royal Society Open Science, 4: 161081.
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Surbeck, M., Langergraber, K. E., Fruth, B., Vigilant, L., & Hohmann, G. (2017). Male reproductive skew is higher in bonobos than chimpanzees. Current Biology, 27(13), R640-R641.
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Fröhlich, M., Kuchenbuch, P., Müller, G., Fruth, B., Furuichi, T., Wittig, R. M., & Pika, S. (2016). Unpeeling the layers of language: Bonobos and chimpanzees engage in cooperative turn-taking sequences. Scientific Reports, 6: 25887.
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Fruth, B. I., Hickey, J. R., André, C., Furuichi, T., Hart, J., Hart, T., Kühl, H. S., Maisels, F., Nackoney, J., Reinartz, G., Sop, T., Thompson, J., & Williamson, E. A. (2016). Pan paniscus. In The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016.
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Goldstone, L. G., Sommer, V., Nurmi, N., Stephens, C. R., & Fruth, B. (2016). Food begging and sharing in wild bonobos (Pan paniscus): Assessing relationship quality? Primates, 57(3), 367-376.
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Madinda, N. F., Ehlers, B., Wertheim, J. O., Akoua-Koffi, C., Bergl, R. A., Boesch, C., Akonkwa, D. B. M., Eckardt, W., Fruth, B., Gillespie, T. R., Gray, M., Hohmann, G., Karhemere, S., Kujirakwinja, D., Langergraber, K. E., Muyembe, J.-J., Nishuli, R., Pauly, M., Petrzelkova, K. J., Robbins, M. M., Todd, A., Schubert, G., Stoinski, T. S., Wittig, R. M., Zuberbühler, K., Peeters, M., Leendertz, F. H., & Calvignac-Spencer, S. (2016). Assessing host-virus codivergence for close relatives of merkel cell polyomavirus infecting african great apes. Journal of Virology, 90(19), 8531-8541.
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Muganza, D. M., Fruth, B. I., Nzunzu, J. L., Tuenter, E., Foubert, K., Cos, P., Maes, L., Kanyanga, R. C., Exarchou, V., Apers, S., & Pieters, L. (2016). In vitro antiprotozoal activity and cytotoxicity of extracts and isolated constituents from Greenwayodendron suaveolens. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 193, 510-516.
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Oelze, V. M., Douglas, P. H., Stephens, C. R., Behringer, V., Surbeck, M., Richards, M. P., Fruth, B., & Hohmann, G. (2016). The steady state great ape? Long term isotopic records reveal the effects of season, social rank and reproductive status on bonobo feeding behaviour. PLoS One, 11(9): e0162091.
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Payne, C. L. R., Mato, B., & Fruth, B. (2016). Entomophagy in the area surrounding Luikotale, Salonga National Park, Democratic Republic of the Congo. African Study Monographs, 37(1), 1-12.
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Beaune, D., Bretagnolle, F., Bollache, L., Hohmann, G., & Fruth, B. (2015). Can fruiting plants control animal behaviour and seed dispersal distance? In B. Hare, & S. Yamamoto (Eds.), Bonobo cognition and behaviour (pp. 113-128). Leiden [u.a.]: Brill.
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Beaune, D., Bretagnolle, F., Bollache, L., Hohmann, G., & Fruth, B. (2015). Can fruiting plants control animal behaviour and seed dispersal distance? Behaviour, 152(3-4), 359-374.
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Fruth, B. (2015). Das Kongobecken und seine Regenwälder in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. In C. Feest, & C. Kron (Eds.), Regenwald; Begleitbuch zur Sonderausstellung im Ausstellungszentrum Lokschuppen Rosenheim, 20. März bis 29. November 2015 (pp. 110-119). Darmstadt: Theiss.
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Fruth, B. (2015). Primaten: Verwandtschaft aus dem Regenwald. In C. Feest, & C. Kron (Eds.), Regenwald; Begleitbuch zur Sonderausstellung im Ausstellungszentrum Lokschuppen Rosenheim, 20. März bis 29. November 2015 (pp. 131-135). Darmstadt: Theiss.
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Fruth, B. I. (2015). Un pouvoir au féminin. Pour la science, (86), 64-68.
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Hoppe, E., Pauly, M., Gillespie, T. R., Akoua-Koffi, C., Hohmann, G., Fruth, B., Karhemere, S., Madinda, N. F., Mugisha, L., Muyembe, J.-J., Todd, A., Petrzelkova, K. J., Gray, M., Robbins, M. M., Bergl, R. A., Wittig, R. M., Zuberbühler, K., Boesch, C., Schubert, G., Leendertz, F. H., Ehlers, B., & Calvignac-Spencer, S. (2015). Multiple cross-species transmission events of human adenoviruses (HAdV) during hominine evolution. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 32(8), 2072-2084.
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Muganza, D. M., Fruth, B. I., Lami, J. N., Cos, P., Kanyanga, R. C., Maes, L., & Pieters, L. (2015). In vitro antiprotozoal activity and cytotoxicity of extracts and fractions from the leaves, root bark and stem bark of Isolona hexaloba. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 174, 187-194.
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Fruth, B., Bondjengo Ikombe, N., Kitengie Matshimba, G., Metzger, S., Musuyu Muganza, D., Mundry, R., & Fowler, A. (2014). New evidence for self-medication in bonobos: Manniophyton fulvum leaf- and stemstrip-swallowing from LuiKotale, Salonga National Park, DR Congo. American Journal of Primatology, 76(2), 146-158.
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Wilson, M. L., Boesch, C., Fruth, B., Furuichi, T., Gilby, I. C., Hashimoto, C., Hobaiter, C. L., Hohmann, G., Itoh, N., Koops, K., Lloyd, J. N., Matsuzawa, T., Mitani, J. C., Mjungu, D. C., Morgan, D., Muller, M. N., Mundry, R., Nakamura, M., Pruetz, J., Pusey, A. E., Riedel, J., Sanz, C., Schel, A. M., Simmons, N., Waller, M., Watts, D. P., White, F., Wittig, R. M., Zuberbühler, K., & Wrangham, R. W. (2014). Lethal aggression in Pan is better explained by adaptive strategies than human impacts. Nature, 513(7518), 414-417.
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Beaune, D., Bollache, L., Musuyu Muganza, D., Bretagnolle, F., Fruth, B., & Hohmann, G. (2013). Artificial germination activation of Dialium corbisieri by imitation of ecological process. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 32(6), 565-575.
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Beaune, D., Bretagnolle, F., Bollache, L., Bourson, C., Hohmann, G., & Fruth, B. (2013). Ecological services performed by the bonobo (Pan paniscus): Seed dispersal effectiveness in tropical forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 29(5), 367-380.
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Beaune, D., Bretagnolle, F., Bollache, L., Hohmann, G., Surbeck, M., & Fruth, B. (2013). Seed dispersal strategies and the threat of defaunation in a Congo forest. Biodiversity and Conservation, 22(1), 225-238.
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Beaune, D., Bretagnolle, F., Bollache, L., Hohmann, G., Surbeck, M., Bourson, C., & Fruth, B. (2013). The bonobo – dialium positive interactions: Seed dispersal mutualism. American Journal of Primatology, 75(4), 394-403.
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Beaune, D., Fruth, B., Bollache, L., Hohmann, G., & Bretagnolle, F. (2013). Doom of the elephant-dependent trees in a Congo tropical forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 295, 109-117.
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Fruth, B., & Hohmann, G. (2013). The nature of the Bonobo society: A case study on the learning process of Primatologists. Folia primatologica, 84, 274.
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Liebs, V., Bikandu, B., Kanda, L., Lukoki, F., Schareika, N., & Fruth, B. (2013). Signifying competence: Urban herbalists seeking affirmation in Kinshasa. In B. Obrist, V. Arlt, & E. Macamo (Eds.), Living the City in Africa: Processes of Invention and Intervention. Zürich: LIT Verlag.
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Williamson, E. A., Maisels, F. G., Groves, C. P., Fruth, B. I., Humle, T., Morton, F. B., Richardson, M. C., Russon, A. E., & Singleton, I. (2013). Family Hominidae (Great Apes). In R. A. Mittermeier, A. B. Rylands, & D. E. Wilson (Eds.), Handbook of the mammals of the world - Volume 3: Primates (pp. 853-854). Barcelona, Spain: Lynx Edicions.
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Beaune, D., Bollache, L., Bretagnolle, F., & Fruth, B. (2012). Dung beetles are critical in preventing post-dispersal seed removal by rodents in Congo rain forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 28(5), 507-510.
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Beaune, D., Bollache, L., Fruth, B., & Bretagnolle, F. (2012). Bush pig (Potamochoerus porcus) seed predation of bush mango (Irvingia gabonensis) and other plant species in Democratic Republic of Congo. African Journal of Ecology, 50(4), 509-512.
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Beaune, D., Bollache, L., Fruth, B., Hohmann, G., & Bretagnolle, F. (2012). Density-dependent effect affecting elephant seed-dispersed tree recruitment (Irvingia gabonensis) in Congo Forest. Pachyderm, 52, 97-100. Retrieved from http://www.pachydermjournal.org/index.php/pachy/article/view/299/207.
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Fruth, B. (2012). La Convention sur la Diversité Biologique en République démocratique du Congo: Mise en oeuvre du projet «La Cuvette Centrale comme réservoir de plantes médicinales». Ethnopharmacologia, 48, 27-37.
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Hohmann G. & B. Fruth. 1995. Loud calls in great apes: Sex-differences and social correlates. In: Current Topics In Primate Vocal Communication. ed. Zimmermann E., Newman J. & U. Jürgens. Plenum Press. London. Pp. 161-184. [pdf]

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Fruth B. & G. Hohmann. 1994. Comparative analyses of nest building behavior in bonobos (Pan paniscus) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). in: Chimpanzee Cultures. ed. R.W. Wrangham, W.C. McGrew, F.B.M. de Waal & P.G.Heltne; Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. Pp. 109-128. [pdf]

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