Daniel Redhead
Department of Human Behavior, Ecology and Culture
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Deutscher Platz 6
04103 Leipzig
phone: +49 (0) 341 3550 326
daniel_redhead@[>>> Please remove the text! <<<]eva.mpg.de
Research Interests
I’m an Anthropologist/Psychologist with a broad interest in social hierarchy and social relationships. Taking an interdisciplinary perspective, I assess how perceptions of certain trait profiles and dispositions impact an individual’s position within groups, and the structure of such groups, over time. In an effort to answer questions related to these topics I’ve developed a deep and unholy love for social networks. My research thus far has seen me work with data from the lab, university and school classrooms, Canadian Air Cadets, The UK Household Longitudinal Study, children and young adults in state care in rural Transylvania, and the Tsimane forager-horticulturalists of Bolivia. I am currently helping to develop a longitudinal database among the Mayangna of Nicaragua.
Curriculum Vitae
2015-2018 | PhD Psychology, University of Essex Thesis Title: The dynamics of social hierarchy. Supervisors: Dr. Rick O’Gorman and Dr. Tom Foulsham |
2014-2015 | MRes (Masters by Research) in Socio-Cultural & Evolutionary Anthropology, Durham University. Thesis Title: Social hierarchy and social networks: The effects of prestige and dominance in a developmental context. Supervisors: Dr. Jamie Tehrani and Dr. Steve Lyon |
2011-2014 | BA (Hons) Anthropology & Archaeology, Durham University. |
Awards, Fellowships and Grants
- ESRC Research Methods Development Grant (Co-Investigator) (2020, Awarded: £200,000)
- European Human Behavior and Evolution Association Student Research Award (2017, Awarded: €500)
- Experimental Psychology Society (EPS) Award for Study Visits (2016, Awarded: £2000)
- Sir Eric Berthoud Grant (2016, Awarded: £175)
- ESSEXLab Seedcorn Grant, University of Essex (2016, Awarded: £1520)
- University of Essex Departmental Research Scholarship (2016, Awarded: ∼ £45,000)
- St. Mary’s College Society Travel Award (2012, Awarded: £200)
Teaching Experience
July – August 2018 | Teaching Assistant, Introduction and Advanced Social Network Analysis, Essex Summer School in Social Sciences Data Analysis, University of Essex, UK. |
July – August 2017 | Teaching Assistant, Introduction and Advanced Social Network Analysis, Essex Summer School in Social Sciences Data Analysis, University of Essex, UK. |
October 2017 – August 2018 | Graduate Teaching Assistant, Research Methods in Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Essex, UK. |
October 2016 – August 2017 | Graduate Teaching Assistant, Statistics for Psychologists, Department of Psychology, University of Essex, UK. |
October 2015- August 2016 | Graduate Laboratory Assistant, Introduction to Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Essex, UK. |
Ad-Hoc Reviewing
- Evolutionary Psychology
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
- Scientific Reports
Professional Memberships
- European Human Behavior and Evolution Association
- Human Behavior and Evolution Association
- International Society for Human Ethology
- Society for Personality andSocial Psychology
Oral Presentations
Redhead, D., Cheng, J., Driver, C., O'Gorman, R. & Foulsham, T. 'The dynamics of social hierarchy: A longitudinal investigation of the rise and fall of prestige, dominance and social rank in naturalistic task groups', Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Amsterdam, 2018.
Redhead, D., von Rueden, C., O'Gorman, R., Gurven, M. & Kaplan, H., 'The dynamics of cooperation and social status in a small-scale society', European Human Behavior and Evolution Association, Pécs, 2018.
Redhead, D., 'An introduction to cross-sectional and longitudinal social network analysis', Methodological Heroes Seminar Series, Department of Government, University of Essex, 2017.
Redhead, D., 'The dynamics of the dual model of social hierarchy', Social, Personality and Industrial Psychology Seminar Series, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana- Champaign, 2017.
Redhead, D., Cheng, J., O'Gorman, R. & Foulsham, T., 'Dominance makes for popular peers: The longitudinal relationship between personality processes and friendship network dynamics', Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, San Antonio, 2017.
Redhead, D., Cheng, J. & O'Gorman, R., 'The dynamic effects of prestige and dominance within social networks: A longitudinal study of social status in the classroom', XXXIII Biennial Congress on Human Ethology, ISHE, Stirling, 2016.
Redhead, D. & O'Gorman, R., 'The focal actor exchange game: Measuring the effects of prestige and dominance on network structure and position', Economic and Psychological Perspectives on Social Issues using an Experimental Approach, Eastern ARC, University of Kent.
Poster Presentations
Redhead, D., Cheng, J., O'Gorman, R. & Foulsham, T., 'Dominance makes for popular peers: The longitudinal relationship between prestige, dominance and friendship networks', Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, San Antonio, 2017.
Redhead, D., Tehrani, J. & Lyon, S., 'Which way to the top? The effects of prestige and dominance in a developmental hierarchy', European Human Behavior and Evolution Association, London, 2016.
Redhead, D. 'Speak softly and carry a big stick: The two ways to the top in social networks', Durham University Anthropology Conference, 2015.
*Indicates joint first authorship
Redhead, D. (2024). Social structure and the evolutionary ecology of inequality (advance online). Trends in Cognitive Sciences. |
Redhead, D., McElreath, R., & Ross, C. T. (2024). Reliable network inference from unreliable data: A tutorial on latent network modeling using STRAND. Psychological Methods, 29(6), 1100-1122. |
Ross, C., McElreath, R., & Redhead, D. (2024). Modelling animal network data in R using STRAND. Journal of Animal Ecology, 93(3), 254-266. |
Jang, H., Ross, C. T., Boyette, A. H., Janmaat, K. R., Kandza, V., & Redhead, D. (2024). Women's subsistence networks scaffold cultural transmission among BaYaka foragers in the Congo Basin. Science Advances, 10(2): eadj2543. |
Redhead, D., Dalla Ragione, A., & Ross, C. T. (2023). Friendship and partner choice in rural Colombia. Evolution and Human Behavior, 44(5), 430-441. |
De Bacco, C., Contisciani, M., Cardoso-Silva, J., Safdari, H., Baptista, D., Lima Borges, G., Sweet, T., Young, J.-G., Koster, J., Ross, C. T., McElreath, R., Redhead, D., & Power, E. A. (2023). Latent network models to account for noisy, multiply-reported social network data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series A: Statistics in Society, 186(3): qnac004, pp. 355-375. |
Redhead, D., Maliti, E., Andrews, J. B., & Borgerhoff Mulder, M. (2023). The interdependence of relational and material wealth inequality in Pemba, Zanzibar. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 378(1883): 20220288. |
Gettler, L. T., Redhead, D., Dzabatou, A., & Lew‐Levy, S. (2023). BaYaka forager food sharing networks in the Congo Basin: The roles of gender homophily and kin sharing. American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 181(1), 59-69. |
Ross, C., & Redhead, D. (2023). Automatic entry and coding of social networks and dyadic peer ratings. Methodological Innovations, 16(2), 138-148. |
Ross, C., Hooper, P. L., Smith, J. E., Jaeggi, A. V., Smith, E. A., Gavrilets, S., Zohora, F. t., Ziker, J., Xygalatas, D., Wroblewski, E. E., Wood, B. M., Winterhalder, B., Willführ, K. P., Willard, A. K., Walker, K., von Rueden, C., Voland, E., Valeggia, C., Vaitla, B., Urlacher, S., Towner, M., Sum, C.-Y., Sugiyama, L. S., Strier, K. B., Starkweather, K., Major-Smith, D., Shenk, M., Sear, R., Seabright, E., Schacht, R., Scelza, B., Scaggs, S., Salerno, J., Revilla-Minaya, C., Redhead, D., Pusey, A., Purzycki, B. G., Power, E. A., Pisor, A. C., Pettay, J., Perry, S., Page, A. E., Pacheco-Cobos, L., Oths, K., Oh, S.-Y., Nolin, D., Nettle, D., Moya, C., Migliano, A. B., Mertens, K. J., McNamara, R. A., McElreath, R., Mattison, S., Massengill, E., Marlowe, F., Madimenos, F., Macfarlan, S., Lummaa, V., Lizarralde, R., Liu, R., Liebert, M. A., Lew-Levy, S., Leslie, P., Lanning, J., Kramer, K., Koster, J., Kaplan, H. S., Jamsranjav, B., Hurtado, A. M., Hill, K., Hewlett, B., Helle, S., Headland, T., Headland, J., Gurven, M., Grimalda, G., Greaves, R., Golden, C. D., Godoy, I., Gibson, M., Mouden, C. E., Dyble, M., Draper, P., Downey, S., DeMarco, A. L., Davis, H. E., Crabtree, S., Cortez, C., Colleran, H., Cohen, E., Clark, G., Clark, J., Caudell, M. A., Carminito, C. E., Bunce, J. A., Boyette, A. H., Bowles, S., Blumenfield, T., Beheim, B. A., Beckerman, S., Atkinson, Q., Apicella, C., Alam, N., & Borgerhoff Mulder, M. (2023). Reproductive inequality in humans and other mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(22): 2220124120. |
Redhead, D., Minocher, R., & Deffner, D. (2022). Towards a computational network theory of social groups. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 45: e120, pp. 46-48. |
Ross, C. T., & Redhead, D. (2022). DieTryin: An R package for data collection, automated data entry, and post-processing of network-structured economic games, social networks, and other roster-based dyadic data. Behavior Research Methods, (54), 611-631. |
Davis, C. A., Redhead, D., & Macfarlan, S. J. (2022). Political alliance Formation and cooperation networks in the Utah state legislature. Human Nature, 33, 1-21. |
Redhead, D., & Power, E. A. (2022). Social hierarchies and social networks in humans. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 377(1845): 20200440. |
Redhead, D., & von Rueden, C. R. (2021). Coalitions and conflict: A longitudinal analysis of men's politics. Evolutionary Human Sciences, 1-28. |
Redhead, D., Dhaliwal, N., & Cheng, J. T. (2021). Taking charge and stepping in: Individuals who punish are rewarded with prestige and dominance. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 15(2): e12581. |
Rueden, C. R. v., Redhead, D., O'Gorman, R., Kaplan, H., & Gurven, M. (2019). The dynamics of men's cooperation and social status in a small-scale society. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 286(1908): 20191367. |
Redhead, D., Cheng, J. T., Driver, C., Foulsham, T., & O'Gorman, R. (2019). On the dynamics of social hierarchy: A longitudinal investigation of the rise and fall of prestige, dominance, and social rank in naturalistic task groups. Evolution and Human Behavior, 40(2), 222-234. |
Redhead, D., Cheng, J., & O'Gorman, R. (2018). Higher status in group. In T. K. Shackelford, & V. A. Weekes-Shakelford ( |
Redhead, D., Cheng, J., & O'Gorman, R. (2018). Individuals that impose costs. In T. K. Shackelford, & V. A. Weekes-Shakelford ( |
Redhead, D., Cheng, J., & O'Gorman, R. (2017). Status competition and peer relationships in childhood. In T. K. Shackelford, & V. A. Weekes-Shakelford ( |
Redhead, D. (2016). Rank differentiation among adolescent hierarchies in Romanian state care. Anthropology of East Europe Review, 33(2), 26-45. |